Tour Schedule

931 Comments to Tour Schedule

  1. Cindy Black says:

    Happy 70th B-day to Jimmy today. I saw the surprise you pulled off in Arizona a couple of weeks ago. I loved the clips that he posted. Was some of the younger group some of his children? It was wonderful that the whole band of friends were there to celebrate his wonderful life. I will be at the Corsicana, TX and the Granbury, TX concerts upcoming soon. He is the best singer I know of and I wish him the best. I had been to Apache Junction several years ago and loved it. I also wanted to send my sorrow for the passing of little Jimmy. Amazing man who used his time well. He sent out texts to all during the heart surgery that Jimmy had. Blessings on the whole family and can’t wait to hear him sing “live” again.

  2. ShaRee Parker says:

    I have purchased 4 tickets for the Brothers of the Heart concert on May 19, 2025 in Franklin, NC at the Smoky Mountains Performing Arts Center. However, that date is not listed on Jimmy Fortune’s website tour schedule. Would you please confirm that Brothers of the Heart will be there on that date? Thanks!

    • Nina Fortune says:

      I am listing several dates today. The venues don’t let me know when the ticket link is ready so I have to go research myself.

  3. Mister D says:

    Nina, it’s always a pleasure to visit with you and Jimmy when ya’ll are near me in NC . The show in Liberty, NC last Saturday was the BOMB! It was so so good. I Hope Santa can get you a jar of my Mister D’s Pepper Jelly in time for the Christmas Holidays. God Bless you both! Mister D

  4. Cindy Black says:

    I received a call from Granbury, TX New Live saying that they had signed a concert with Jimmy on a Sunday August 31. I was wanting to attend that show but it has not been posted on the schedule yet. I have a few other people that would want to go with me but I need to know if this is a legitimate concert before paying for tickets. I may show up at the Corsicana show in April if I can work that one out. Sure don’t want to miss any chance I have to see Jimmy perform and to talk with you Nina.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Jimmy will be there there. I didn’t know the tickets link was ready. I’ll add it on the tour schedule when they send it to me.

  5. Al says:

    When do you expect the tickets to go on sale for the March 16. 2025 event in Fitzgerald GA? I see tour dates throughout the rest of the year are already on sale…we made our hotel reservatsion already and want to make sure the Fitzgerald event is still on. Thanks…

  6. Gary Cotter says:

    Are there any more shows soon being planned close to Dallas/Fort Worth Texas?

  7. Barbara Gesch says:

    Hi guys. I never see Southern Calif, particularly Orange County on your schedule. I know you can come that far. You have many people that would love to see you. Please consider in the near future
    A very good fan, Barbara and friends. ♥️

  8. William turnbow says:

    Enjoyed seeing you guys friday

  9. Marc Aldrich says:

    Will Jimmy be performing in PA in 2025?

  10. Gary Wheelock says:

    Nina, Looking forward to seeing you and Jimmy in Ireland in a month or so. We have tickets to 2 of his shows, in Listowel and Ballybofey. I know it will be a great time.

  11. Mel Coker says:

    Just booked for your August 8th show in Lenoir, NC. Just a relatively short drive up from our home in Chapin, SC. Excited!
    “Gentle on my Mind” will be awesome.

  12. Jeff Sparks says:

    Good afternoon Mr & Mrs Fortune. Hopefully all is well. I know you play a lot in shipshewana Indiana. I’ve been trying to get my sick dad to one of your shows. I know you have a show scheduled in April during week days. Is there a way to do a show in Lafayette Indiana on a weekend. My dad has kidney failure & is on dialysis 3 days a week. So weekdays don’t work for him to get out. Thank you & God bless you

    • Nina Fortune says:

      I’m so sorry your dad has kidney failure. I looked up Shipshewanna to Lafayette and it’s 2 and a half hours away. That is within the radius clause, which means we can’t play within (usually 150 miles) of a scheduled show. Maybe there will be a weekend show before then that you can make.

      • Jeff Sparks says:

        I sure appreciate the info and the reply. Thank you for all you & Jimmy do. I’ll keep watching his tour schedule & his Facebook page for upcoming events. God bless you and Jimmy & your family & crew. Safe travels while you tour.

  13. Sandra Jines says:

    I had seen in a video last year that was done at the statue unveiling that Jimmy was going to be coming out with a book about his life but I have not heard anything else about it. Has this book come out yet and if so where could I get a copy of it? I would love to read it.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      It’s still coming out. Make sure you have signed up for the newsletter emails and I will send out a notification when it’s available.

  14. Robert Coleman says:

    Great show at AMT. The four of truly are like brothers and make the sound of angels. Already hoping AMT brings them back next year. Sold out concerts are rare there!

  15. Michael Stephens says:

    Any chance you are coming back to Texas before the end of the year?

  16. Brian Dixon says:

    It seems the Brothers of the Hear show dates are somewhat limited in 2024 and I’m not able to get to the May shows, but I did find a line date in August in NC that isn’t posted in your show list.

    Can you confirm that Jimmy will be with the rest of the guys on August 8th in Lenoir at the Broyhill Civic Center?

    I’m so excited to see these gentlemen LIVE!! Thank you.

  17. Nancy Casteel says:

    Hi, Nina,

    I’m really looking forward to the show at AMT in Lancaster, PA. on May 15! So much talent in Brothers of the Heart. Could you tell me about how long the show will be? My sister wants to go but she can’t drive after dark.


    • Nina Fortune says:

      Thank you! The show could last up to two hours. I guess she could leave anytime she feels comfortable.

  18. Hey Nina hope All is well. Is it True that Jimmy is coming to Ireland This September ??? Please let it be true & if so can you tell me when the tickets will be onsale

    Thanks so Much
    John x

  19. Good evening Nina, my wife and I are taking her elderly Mother Wanda Williams to listen to Jimmy on April 20th in Selma, NC. She is one of his biggest fans from Crimora Virginia. This is an early Mothers day gift for her. I would love to get a picture with her and Jimmy if possible for her to cherish. I would pay anything for her to have a backstage pass to meet him and get the picture with him and maybe a signed picture or something. This would be so great for her and would make her so happy. Please let me know if any of this is possible. Thanks and God Bless!

  20. william turnbow says:

    was just wondering when tickets for Jimmys Branson shows will be available

  21. George Vance says:

    Hi NINA and JIMMY:
    Jimmy…you recently stated that you received a phone call from Tom Johnston to congratulate you and the Brothers Of The Heart on “listen To The Music”….I was wondering if you had heard from Smokey Robinson about yall’s great version of “My Girl”? With the Statlers retirement and Harold’s death and now with the Oaks on their Farewell Tour you and the Brothers Of The Heart are Nashville’s New Super Group and I know I speak for Millions when I say Congratulations to the four of yall. What Joy you guys are bring to everyone!!!! Song Suggestion….How about “SUPPERTIME”.>>the old Jimmy Davis Song. It needs reviving.

  22. Donnie H says:

    4 tickets purchased for the Franklin, NC show
    Traveling from St Augustine, FL to see these 4 great musicians and singers.

  23. sternk says:

    Hi! Last week I saw a show listed in Sedona. I think it was in February. Is Jimmy still playing?

    • Nina Fortune says:

      You had to sign up to stay at the resort for 5 days to attend.

      • Deena Wood Richard says:

        Thank you and Jimmy for an amazing night. My father-in-law was so happy. Jimmy is awesome and so are you. With the veterans being recognized and Clyde Richard being honored at the show in Appomattox was unforgettable. Merry Christmas

  24. Donna Lutz says:

    Nina, I’m so sad you are not coming to Lebanon Pa for the Christmas show. I missed it the last few years, but I was able to visit you in Radford Virginia, but that didn’t happen this past summer. 😥 Hopefully there will be a concert that I can attend in the future. I miss chatting with you and Jimmy. ❤️❤️

  25. Trey Stumpff says:

    Is Jimmy going to be in Oklahoma in 2024, thanks so much!


    I messaged you several times. Please look at the messages. We hope to come to the Weyers Cave concert on Thursday. We will be bringing the friend I mentioned that just found out she has cancer. This may be the last time she gets to see Jimmy. We just was at the Rockingham Fairgrounds as well. She loves Jimmy so much as I do as well.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      I’ve not received any emails from you. If you’re talking about Facebook messages, I don’t do that. I’m glad you are coming to the show. We will see you then.

  27. Bill turnbow says:

    Nina the thumb drive is awsome

  28. Nate Gallagher says:

    Any chance of a show near Wisconsin? I love the music. My mom was a huge Statlers fan and I grew up with it. Jimmy’s voice, the songs, it’s all so easy on the ears, the mind, and soul. I just listened to More Than a Name on a Wall.

    If nothing else, thank you for the years of music.

    God Bless,

  29. Barry Collier says:

    Nina, Are Brothers of the Heart making any plans to come to Branson?

  30. Marc Aldrich says:

    Hi, will Jimmy to PA in 2024?
    Thank you

  31. Brenda Boyd says:

    Will Jimmy be coming back to Lancaster Pa. Area?

  32. Patricia Riley says:

    Hello Jimmy and Nina. I hope you have a wonderful show in my home state of Nebraska. Wished I could’ve made it but I’m way south in Arapahoe.

  33. Lauren West says:

    Newbie here. Is Brothers of the Heart a separate show from Jimmy Fortune’s dates? thank you

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Hi there! They will be listed on this website and they will say Brothers of the Heart as well. There aren’t any shows listed now, the next shows will be next year, three in March and three in May. The ones in March will be listed in a month or so.

  34. Colton McGrath says:

    Hi, I am from Massachusetts. Does Jimmy ever come to this area at all?

  35. Randy Copley says:

    When are you coming to the Pacific Northwest?

    • Nina Fortune says:

      The closest we ever get is Montana. I know that’s not very close though.

      • Cynthia Edwards says:

        I’d travel from Idaho to Montana to see this fantastic group. I really do understand the numbers. More people live in the area of the concerts – but – we are here and we love this music and those voices.

  36. Cindy Brennauer says:

    I am bringing my 10 year old Grandson to the Knoxville, Iowa show. I was wondering if you have any shirts in a size small?

  37. Sue says:

    We saw Brothers of the Heart in Shipshewana in June. Fantastic concert – we loved it. Are there any plans to come to Illinois (perhaps Peoria) or the Quad Cities. Thank you.

  38. Ron Tomon says:

    Since my wife passed away last fall, Jimmy’s music has been more meaningful to me than ever. I would love to see him sing in person. Will he ever get close to performing in the Pittsburgh, PA / Youngstown OH area?

  39. naomi harwood says:

    Just wondering if Jimmy has recovered from his heart bypasses. It was a thrill to get to see him in Sept last year. One of the last places my husband got to attend before he passed away.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      He’s doing well, started back doing shows in April. I’m sorry to hear about your husband.

      • Rodney Metrejean says:

        Ms Nina, we love the Brothers of the Heart music so much. We will be attending the concert on May 14, 2024 in Greeneville Tn. Its a short 617 mile drive for us and well worth it. I’ve already bought our tickets. My question is this. How do I go about finding a private show. I would love to take my wife to one of those, like the ones shown in the youtube videos. I would like so much to for her to have that close up experience. I would be willing to go a long ways for that opportunity.

        • Nina Fortune says:

          We have already filmed the next one so it’ll be years if/when we do it again. The people in the audience are family and people on our teams or work for each of them in some way. It usually holds less than 200. The Greeneville venue is great, you’ll be happy with any seat.

  40. Gary Costlow says:

    Please come to Tyler. Texas.

  41. Braelynn cotter says:

    Hi I am Braelynn and I am 11 years old. I am normally the only kid at your shows I have been to,so I am bringing my friend. Our family will have 4 generations with me at your concert at Carrollton and I hope to see you after the show.I love your music.

  42. Brenda Boyd says:

    What a wonderful show last night at the American Music Theatre. My husband and I are hoping Jimmy comes back to Lancaster for his tour.

  43. Rick Messenlehner says:

    Was at the American Music Theater in Lancaster, PA to see Brothers of the Heart show. What an incredible group of talent on the stage! As an added bonus my 86 year old mother was able to meet Jimmy after the show. She was so very excited to have Jimmy sign her DVD and Blanket picture. Thank you Jimmy for being so kind and gracious towards her!

  44. Patricia Riley says:

    Hi Jimmy and Nina

    I was at your show in April at Hardison Mills. It was a great show and wonderful visit. I see you’re going to be in Nebraska Sep 8. I live in Arapahoe Nebraska. Hope to see you here. Also, maybe I can catch a show in Branson MO. Hope things are going well and Jimmy is fully recovered.

  45. Gary Wheelock says:

    Jimmy and Nina,
    It was so good to see you both at the Granbury and Huntsville shows. Jimmy sounded great and we enjoyed both shows so much. So thankful that Jimmy has healed well. I know many people are still praying that God will continue to give Jimmy healing and strength during his tour schedule. We will be in Nashville for 8 days during CMA fest in June. Does Jimmy ever perform in Nashville or the surrounding areas?

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We just had a show last night in Nashville. Unfortunately Jimmy has two shows out of town that week.
      June 7th in Shipshewana IN
      June 11th Lancaster PA

  46. Larry Schipper says:

    We traveled 950 miles to see Brothers of the Heart in Franklin, North Carolina. Jimmy sounded and looked amazing. was worth every mile that we drove. Bring Brothers of the Heart to Iowa!

  47. Michael Stephens says:

    Jimmy and Nina,

    First and foremost, God is good. The miracle of your recovery backs that up. So glad you are doing well.

    My wife and I have tried to see as many concerts in west and north Texas as we can. We are very much looking forward to Granbury on the 20th and Greenville later in August. My father who introduced me to the music of the Statlers when I was young will be joining us for the Granbury concert. This will be the first time since the 1970’s that he will get to see a Statler brother live in concert. I know you usually sing it but, could you be sure to sing How Great Thou Art. It is his favorite gospel song sung by the statler brothers.

  48. Cindy Black says:

    I would also like to purchase a picture of the Statlers with Jimmy Fortune. Is there a place where I can get this?

  49. Cindy Black says:

    I noticed on one of Brothers of the Heart shows that they were signing autographs of the four of them. Do that have that picture for sale on some website? Or will Jimmy have one at his shows I can purchase? I will be at the Grandbury, TX and the Corsicana, TX shows this year.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      I will try to remember to bring some.

      • Cindy Black says:

        I received my picture of the Bros of the Heart. Thank you so much for mailing it to me. I will see you Jul 2, in Carrolton, TX and Aug 17 in Corsicana. Love Jimmy’s voice. So amazing.

  50. Billy Hancock says:

    Hello, Nina. My wife, Mary, and I were blessed to see Jimmy and the group at the Clay County Fair on April 5th–our 54th wedding anniveresay. We drove almost 200 miles (overnighting), and it was well worth it! What an amazing voice Jimmy has. He was surrounded by SO many talented musicians and performers. Incredible! The music was made even more special by the good news (gospel) that was shared by all. Tell Jimmy and the group”thank you” for us–they all signed my tee shirt at the closing. We wish him well in his continued recovery from the 5 bypasses. Blessings and Happy Easter to you ALL. Billy Hancock, retired healthcare professional. St Petersburg, FL

  51. Scott says:

    Hi Nina,

    I was at the Clay County Fair today (April 5th) to see the guys play-can’t believe I got to see them. I discovered them during a sleepless night of watching TV, and saw their performance on the Opry.

    They were so good today. We talked about the song, Let em In. It was great!

    I think there is a desire for this type of music again and I can’t wait for the next album.

    My best to Jimmy and the band. Keep up the good sounds!


  52. Joel Gatlin says:

    So happy to hear that Jimmy is doing well! Are there going to be any Atlanta area shows?


    • Nina Fortune says:

      Thank you! We don’t have any on the schedule right now because we stopped booking shows during that time to see what was going to happen. It will be a lighter year than normal. Not sure if you looked at the schedule but there are some within a few hours.

      • James W Berry says:

        Watched an interview with the Brothers last night and did I hear Jimmy say they have appearances in New Mexico and Utah? Just curious as I am from New Mexico. Also great to hear he’s doing well, we’ll be at Columbia the 7th. And I’m about 3 weeks younger than Jimmy. Happy belated birthday!

  53. Brenda Boyd says:

    Will Jimmy be coming back to Lancaster, PA at all in 2023. If so, which venue will he be performing at

  54. Naomi C. Beal says:

    Happy happy birthday! Mine will be Friday, I’ll be 88 years young! I really enjoy listening to you sing! Hopefully you’ll come close enough for me to be able to see you perform.

  55. Cindy Black says:

    Happy birthday Jimmy. I hope you have a wonderful day and the weather is not cold & snowy. I hope you are feeling much better and getting ready to be “on the road” again. Everyone sure misses you and your songs. Have a great day with family & friends. Thank you God for taking care of the best singer around.

  56. Jim Berry says:

    Following his recent hospitalization, is Jimmy going to be performing with Brotherly Love at Columbia this April 7,8? Prayers for his continued recovery.

  57. Donna Lutz says:

    Hello Jimmy & Nina, I do not see the 4th of July concert scheduled for Radford Va. I really hope that you will be there this year. My father and I look forward all year to going just like we did when we went to Staunton. Please let me know if this concert will be scheduled!!
    Donna Lutz

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Our contact there retired. As of yet we’ve not heard from Radford yet so we are making other plans.

      • Donna Lutz says:

        Oh no, that makes me sad.
        Please let us know of any Fourth of July plans you make. My dad lives in Hendersonville NC and I fly down from Pennsylvania to go to see Jimmy with him and Radford was just the perfect place to go. When I called Radford Parks and Rec the man I spoke with said he wasn’t sure if Jimmy would be there because he heard about the surgery- so I was still hopeful.

        I pray that Jimmy is healing well and look forward so seeing you both sometime this year! ❤️

  58. Cindy Black says:

    I have wanted to write and tell Jimmy just how much his singing means to me. I grew up on country music and always like the Statlers and even more when Jimmy joined them. That is when I really could appreciate his voice. He truly is annointed by God and has a real gift with his talent. I appreciate how humble he is. I have been to two concerts here in Texas last year, and am planning on two more this year. I listen to the CD’s in my car all the time. They are so uplifting; especially the gospel songs. I grew up on the hymns and played the organ at church for many years before moving to Texas. People told me I played how I felt. And that is what Jimmy does. He means every word he says. May God continue to Bless his life, his family, and his talent. I look forward to meeting him again in the choir in Heaven. Thank you Nina for all the hard work you put in for his career. If at all possible I would like to hear him sing either “Be With Me” or “I Wrote It in Red” at either the Grandbury,TX or the Corsicana, TX concert. I love those two songs so much. “How Great Thou Art” always sends chills up my spine. Thank you Jimmy Fortune.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Thank you!! I’m not Jimmy but he has to have a piano player to pull those two songs off live. He does How Great Thou Art though.

  59. Cheryl T McBrayer says:

    I just again watched Brothers of the Heart again! I loved hearing Jimmy sing Desperado. It’s so dear to my heart. January 16, 1990, while slow dancing to that very song at the Longbranch, my sweetheart asked me to marry him and I said YES! This coming February 16th will be 33 years for us (2nd marriage for us both). How I wish we could be in Newberry SC on the 17th to see Jimmy sing. Times are a bit tight now, as my husband has had 2 heart attacks, a stroke, had a kidney removed, and half his thyroid. He is so remarkable! Still a type A personality!

  60. Adrian says:

    Greetings from Poland!

    I dream of seeing and hearing Mr. Fortune (and his group) in some European city. Is that a possibility?
    Thank you for your contribution to Statler Brothers!

  61. Rick Messenlehner says:

    Saw Jimmy at the Lebanon, PA Expo Center and really enjoyed the show! Is there any plans for Jimmy to come back to central or eastern Pennsylvania in 2023?

  62. April Hagan says:

    Dear Mr. Fortune,

    This feels a little funny to do and she’ll probably have the hair on my head for doing so but I just wanted to tell you a little about my Mamaw, Sandra. She listens to your music every night, watching your performance videos. Before we lost my Papaw, Rudy(her husband) in February 2022, they both listened to you together every night before going to sleep. They’d get ready for bed, turn the TV on to watch you and listen until they couldn’t keep their eyes open any more. He was sick for a couple of years before he passed and only got worse as time went on. You helped him on his journey to heaven. They would have been married 55 years this past October. She’s still finding her way without him and although it’s been extremely hard on her, you and your music have helped guide her through it. I’m thankful for you and all you’ve unknowingly done to help heal her heart in such a period that we truly hoped we’d never reach. My grandparents have always been my whole world. Losing Papaw rocked our very foundation. I’ve been doing all I can to try and make her smile, get out more, live her life as much as she can. This Thursday, December 15th, we’ll be attending your Christmas concert at the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame & Museum in Owensboro, Kentucky. She’s so excited, I can’t even tell you. I’m so grateful that I have the opportunity to experience this with her. She’s my entire heart and I can’t express to you how much I love and adore her. I just wanted to thank you for being who you are and for providing that light in the darkness when not a lot of others were able to do so. You have no idea how special you are to her. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. <3<3

  63. We saw Jimmy and his band last evening in Clifton Forge, Virginia… as always, he was fantastic. Will he be touring with “Brothers of the Heart” anytime in the coming year? If so, will they appear in the Augusta, Nelson, or Rockingham County area as they did at the Rockingham County Fair? That was such an enjoyable show! Thank you.

  64. Robert Coleman says:

    Loved the show in York, PA last night, but disappointed to hear you are not scheduled for next year. Been coming to your shows in York going back to when they were at the Praise Center.

  65. Nathan Hanson says:

    I saw Jimmy twice in the past month…great shows as always. It would be amazing to see some shows with Jimmy and the entire French Family Band on the bill.

  66. Donna Lutz says:

    Hello Nina and Jimmy, I was hoping to make the Lebanon Pa show but I have a prior commitment- so now I will try to get to the show in York Pa, but when I click on the tickets button, I get a 404 page not found message.

    Also, is it ever possible to come to the Keswick Theatre in Glenside Pa?
    It’s a smaller venue, I used to see Jimmy with the Statlers there. That’s closer to where I live than any of the other shows. Or Penns Peak- that’s 15 minutes from where my daughter Michelle lives. Jimmy performed there years and years ago!! Hope you are doing well- looking forward to seeing you soon! ❤️❤️

  67. David Ransom says:

    Are there any plans yet for Branson Mo for 2023 yet? Thanks

  68. Fred Zacher says:

    Jimmy Fortune is an awesome entertainer. His Christian message is so refreshing. He is one of the most humble and approachable men I know. We could listen to him sing forever.

    Will he be in Branson Missouri next November? We will be there for Veterans week and we sure want to see him again.

  69. william junior turnbow says:

    Hi Nina
    i was looking on the mansion theater in branson web site and they have jimmys dates up they are all afternoon shows is ther any evening shows at the mansion theater next year

  70. Candy L says:

    when is Jimmy coming back to Weatherford Tx it would be closer for me as i am un able to make it to other shows

  71. Robert Manning says:

    I have been trying to look at your tor schedule but all I can see are comments that people left. Is there something wrong that your schedule will not show.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      That’s what shows underneath the schedule. Sometimes it will show that at top for a second then the schedule pops up. This is the first time I’ve had someone say this so I would try to look at it from another device and see if you get the same results.

  72. Cindy Black says:

    I was at two of the shows this year in Texas. Both were absolutely wonderful. Jimmy has such an anointed voice & such a humble & caring nature about him. I have purchased all the CD’s & DVD’s. I listen to them every day and they really lift me up. I used to watch him with the Statler Bros when I was much younger and loved his singing then too. He looked just like my cousin. I have already purchased tickets for the Grandbury,TX concert and am so excited to see him in person again. Thank you for all you do for Jimmy’s career. I would like to order another red Jimmy Fortune tee shirt of Believe & the cross, but in a 2 XL. Will you have any of those in April or should I order it through the store?

  73. Jennifer Ramirez says:

    I understand tickets are on advance sale for the Mansion Theater in Branson for next October 2023. I cannot find anything for these tickets. I always by ticket way in advance as a birthday gift for my granddaughter. We were at last night’s show and she enjoyed as much as ever. This was the 4 out of 5 years she has seen his show. Any help on getting for next year would be appreciated.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      The contracts are not completed on these shows, that’s why they’re not listed on our website yet. You could probably call the theatre to see if they have the tickets on sale yet.

  74. Walt says:

    Any chance of coming to the Western/NW US? Specifically Boise, Idaho. Would love to take my soon to be 90 year old mother to see him there. She has lots of his CD’s and Gaither videos. No way she could travel to east coast/south/Midwest.

    I promise to buy at least two tickets if he comes. Sure he could sell out a venue here.

    • Walt says:

      Nampa, Idaho would also work. Around 20 minutes from Boise. Many country acts perform at the Idaho Center there. Morrison center is a possible Boise venue and the landmark Egyptian Theater also in Boise.

      Hope he can come in 2023!

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We don’t get Idaho, I’m so sorry. You never know though so keep checking the your page.

  75. Marcy Dugger says:

    I was wondering if Jimmy ever tours with Ben Issacs, Bradley Walker and Mike Rogers. My 4 year old son loves their music and I would like to bring him to see them is possible.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      There is one show booked on 11-15-22 in Greeneville, TN. So far there are two booked for next year. They will be listed on the schedule later this year.

      • Nava Korn says:

        any hints as to when and where? I bought tickets for Greeneville but cannot really go (forfeiting tickets)….had hoped to get there from Philly.
        LOVE THESE GUYS!!!

        • Nina Fortune says:

          They will be in Shipshewana IN in June and Florida in April.

          • Carol Perryman says:

            Any more scheduled for Tenneasee? Would love to see them again at Homestead Hall in Columbia again.

          • Nina Fortune says:

            We were just there about three weeks ago. We’ll probably be there again next fall. In the meantime we will be in Hendersonville TN on 1-14-23.

          • Carol Perryman says:

            We were there when he performed a couple of weeks ago…..LOVED IT!! Are the Brothers of the Heart scheduled anymore in Tennessee?

          • Nina Fortune says:

            We may have a show in April in TN. If we do it should be listed the beginning of the year.

          • Sherrie Bennett says:

            Hey Nina! Where is the April show in Florida going to be please? Clay County Fair? Looking forward to seeing y’all soon! Hope you guys are doing well!

          • Nina Fortune says:

            They haven’t announced who is there yet so I haven’t put it on the website. Green Cove Springs.

        • Brent Hairston says:

          Would love to buy your tickets if you cannot go. Love this group.

  76. Robert and Joan Coleman says:

    We are counting the hours now to see Jimmy in Hanover, Pa tomorrow night. We saw they already have the parking for Elizabeth blocked off. So happy to finally have you back in our home town. We have been to every show you have done in York, Pa as well as all those in Nelson County. We have followed since the Statlers and on his own since a small concert in Stroudsburg, PA way back at the beginning of his solo career. Hope to get to chat to both of you tomorrow night.

  77. Sheila Dettmann says:

    Hi! I grew up listening to The Statler Brothers constantly in our house 🙂
    When my husband and I got engaged, we went to one of their concerts and decided then and there to have “My Only Love” as our wedding song. We celebrated 25 happy years on this past Aug 9th. We are coming down to Branson to celebrate our anniversary, albeit late.

    May I ask if Jimmy could sing “My Only Love” when we come see him on Oct 6th? My husband’s name is Dennis. Thank you so much if that is possible!

  78. Desso M. Faulkner (Marty) says:

    Hello, I am the Commander of the VFW Post in Nashville, GA. We have a fairly large venue and are interested in hosting a show. Please reach out to me so we can see if this is something we can work out.

  79. Grace Brown says:

    Jimmy sang with my husband Jw at a wedding several years ago in Crozet VA.
    He can no longer sing, because of his lung disease.
    I’m glad he has that memory in his life.
    Thank You Jimmy

  80. Gary McCorkle says:

    Ms. Fortune,

    My wife Judy and I have tickets to the Columbia, Tennessee show on October 14th, 2022. We live near Statesboro, Ga, so this is a 7 hour drive for us. (We are making a 4 day trip with Jimmy as the headliner at the end.)This is part of Judy’s request for her birthday this year, and we would like to get a picture after the show if possible.
    Jimmy is her favorite singer, and we have listened to him since the Statler years.
    Blessings for the work you do.
    Gary McCorkle

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Great! We can’t wait to see you there. Jimmy is signing autographs after the show so she can meet him then.

  81. Marilyn Newland says:

    We will be attending the show in Greenville, Tx. this coming weekend. Will Jimmy be performing solo or is he bringing any of the Brotherly Love members with him? I’m so excited to see him; I had tickets a couple of years ago and had to cancel as I became ill. My dad (who passed 7 yrs ago at the age of 90) was a huge fan of Jimmy’s when he was singing with the Statler Bros. and loved “Elizabeth”. I just recently heard ” I Love You More” and it touched me so deeply I posted it to Facebook, as I’ve felt that way many times. So looking forward to Saturday!

  82. Renee says:

    On May 14th, 2022, my sweet daddy gained his wings and went home to Jesus. Jimmy was one of his all time favorite singers. For the last year, we have watched Jimmy with Bradly Walker and others that was on YouTube on repeat. Just before daddy passed, we played I Believe for him as it was one of his favorites! I just want you all to know what a blessing your music was to our entire family and how much it comforted my daddy in his time of need! Thank you for sharing yourselves with the rest of us all of these years! Hope to see you in Fl!

  83. Gary Cotter says:

    Our 10 year old Great Grandson Braelynn met you guys when you last came to Arlington, TX in November 2019. He was 8 then and had such a great time that we brought him to see you again last April in Graham, TX. Now he can’t wait for August 13 in Greenville. He’ll be there grinning from ear to ear and singing along. He doesn’t understand why there aren’t other kids at the shows though. He loves it and a comment Jimmy made to him after the Graham show really touched our hearts.

  84. Lauren Henderson says:

    Are there any plans to come back to forest city NC?
    I really want to take my son to a show. We couldn’t go the last time because he was only 7 months old. He has loved Jimmy’s music since the day he was born.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We have three shows coming to NC in Sept. Please look at the schedule to see if one of them is near you.

  85. Michael Stephens says:

    Nina and Jimmy. My beautiful wife and I will be at the Greenville TX show. Shortly after that we will be celebrating 25 amazing years together. Is there any chance Jimmy can sing “A Good Thing” because my wife absolutely loves that song and it truly defines us as a couple. If not we will still be there and will love the concert as we try to hit as many in Texas as we can.Thank you.

  86. Dennis Shifflett says:


    I know of Jimmy’s show in Radford on the 4th but I was wondering if Jimmy was planning any shows in the Nelson County, Agusta County, Virginia areas since his Nelson County show was canceled? We sure miss Jimmy here.

  87. Robert Manning says:

    Hi, I was wondering if Jimmy has plans to come back to the Central Texas area, Waco or Corsicana. I really enjoy his music and don’t travel too far anymore. Thank you.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We have planning a few shows in Texas again in August.

      • Randy says:

        The show on April 30 in Graham was fantastic.

      • Randy says:

        We saw him in Graham TX on April 30. It was a great show and venue.

      • Cindy Black says:

        I loved the show in Graham, TX. I wanted to go to one of the shows in Branson, but can’t make it then. Sure will look forward to next August in TX. I think Jimmy’s music is the most inspirational and uplifting music I have listened to. He is one truly God anointed singer. We have a Grapevine Opry in the Dallas/Ft Worth airport area. Sure would be nice to see him there.

      • Michael S. says:

        The show in Graham was so amazing. Everyone was so nice afterwards. Truly wonderful people.

  88. Kassie Schnell says:

    Will there be any shows on the west coast?

  89. Arlene Souther says:

    Is Jimmy Fortune going to be at the Gaither Homecoming Alaska Cruise this year? I had to cancel because my husband and I are not vaccinated. The cruise operator is requiring all passengers be vaccinated or they won’t be allowed on the cruise.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Yes, Jimmy is scheduled for that cruise. All cruise lines are requiring vaccinations at this point.

      • Marcee Lynn says:

        Hi Nina! Next month my husband and I are getting to hear Jimmy in concert on 6/11 for our first anniversary gift to each other. Hes our favorite artist and his music is dear to our hearts. My Only Love is “our” song, (I sang it to him as a surprise during our wedding ceremony) is there any possible way to pay for him to meet Jimmy? I was trying to buy backstage passes but haven’t found any way to do so. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

  90. Tom Klitzka says:

    April 1, 2022, Ohio Star Theater, Sugarcreek, Ohio

    This evening’s concert provided the audience music and vocals that left us wanting more! Family, God, and Country were all part of the focus. Jimmy Fortune, his very talanted band members supported by Mrs. Nina Fortune at the merchandise table put all together a great evening for everyone in attendance.

  91. l kyle says:

    Glad to hear Jimmy Fortune is still going strong. I am from Staunton Virginia and have since moved from the area. My brother used to sing bluegrass music until his death in 2006. He met Jimmy Fortune and I think they even played together at Gypsy Hill Park Amphtheater if my memory serves me correct. I used to hate to hear bluegrass music when I was young. but I would give the world if I could hear my brother sing it today. I also went to school with Phil Basley’s niece. You would always see the Statlers around town, walking at Staunton Mall, or at Stanleys Meat Market.

  92. naomi harwood says:

    My husband and I just saw Jimmy in Spindle, NC. I spoke to you before the show that my husband had major back surgery and this was our first event since then. We thoroughly enjoyed everything, every song. It was such a great time. I bought a photo and wanted to get it signed but the line was too long and my husband just couldn’t stand that long. Hoping to get to go to Cherokee, NC in Sept. It was a wonderful wonderful night! Thanks

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Thank you for coming!! Bring it to Cherokee and I’ll make sure it gets signed.

      • Dale Ramsey says:

        Thanks so much for making Reyna so happy last night at Isothermal. Every time we see Jimmy on tv i tell her. There is the man that kissed you when you were asleep. I know Jimmy did not know that I’ll Fly Away is her favorite song. She was so happy when he did it. She talked about her autographed cd and the guitar picks he gave her all the way to mama’s. As soon as she walked in she started telling mama how great the show was and about her autograph and guitar picks. I am gonna bring her to Franklin or Denton NC. Thanks for making a little girl REALLY HAPPY. Dale Ramsey

      • Gilbert Costa says:

        Hi Nina, any possibility that Jimmy will be performing in Ma. again in 2022? We sure hope so! Plaease tell Jimmy Jeanie Alabama says hello! Thanks

  93. Roger Bobo says:

    Where at in Sugar Creek, Ohio is Jimmy going to be performing? I know it’s supposed to be on 4/1/2022 But WHERE AT, What’s the Address ?

    • Nina Fortune says:

      If you go to the tour page and click tickets next to that show it should give you all the information. It’s at the Ohio Star Theatre.

  94. vicki knicely says:

    I have been trying for 2 weeks to get tickets for the show in Paducah KY on April 14. Absolutely no luck getting a response from the Carson Center on purchasing tickets-no response from e mails and no one answers the phone at the box office.
    Can you please tell me what I need to do to get tickets?

  95. John Clark says:

    I need to make something closer to Arkansas

  96. Shirley R Lyons Surprise, AZ says:

    Looking forward to seeing Jimmy in Wickenburg AZ. Bought his new CD and I absolutely love the songs. Even though I miss the concerts of the Statlers, love the fact that Jimmy didn’t retire also. Keeping those memories alive.

    • Diane Glasco says:

      I miss The Statlers to I know they have retired but wouldn’t it be nice if they could do a mini fb singing

      • Nina Fortune says:

        I’m not sure if you are aware that Harold passed away in 2020. Jimmy will be in Wickenburg on 3-3-22, not far from you.

  97. Michael Stephens says:

    We saw your show in Lubbock back in 2019. It was wonderful. So excited you are coming back to Texas in April. We will be at the Graham show.

  98. Paige A Knight says:

    Jimmy would you please come back to the monroe county theater in woodsfield ohio I had no idea that you where there this past year. My grandma was a big fan of yours and I helped care for her this year we would always take a Saturday or Sunday and we would watch your videos on YouTube she loved your voice and music made her happy in her last days. She passed in September due to covid at 88. I would love to come to your show in honor of her!

  99. Bill says:

    Hi Nina
    Can you tell me when the branson tickets go on sell

  100. Tim Lones says:

    It was a blessing to be at the show in Massillon, Ohio last night. My wife was hopefully to be with me but passed away November 22. I thank you and Jimmy for speaking with me and to have a picture taken. My wife Linda and I came to the Lancaster, Pa. Show in 2006 and had the best weekend ever, making many new friends. Massillon is where I live now, only five minutes driving distance from The Lincoln Theatre. It was a joy to hear Jimmy live again and in a way, relive some memories. My wife would have loved the concert. If you get to this part of Ohio again or Western Pennsylvania I will be there again. God Bless and safe journeys.

  101. Mike Redding says:

    What are the chances of getting Jimmy and the crew to come to The Stride Bank Center in Enid Ok.580-234-1919

    If not here let me know if he be anywhere close one of my bucket list concerts.


  102. Pattie says:

    When will Jimmy be playing in the Bristol, VA area
    Anytime in the near future??


  103. Bonnye Dean says:

    Nina, when will Jimmy be in Texas in 2022?

  104. Joy Collins says:

    We were at the show in Branson last night Nov 11 2021 Veterans Day. Great show. It was the best. Have been waiting for awhile to see him in person. He might remember me shouting We love you!!! Was happy he heard me and made a joke back. He also said there would be something extra in my envelope. Haha. Will he be in Branson again if so when. Or even closer to my home. Just south of Waco Tx. I have just about worn my CD out and I did not get to wait for him to sign my autograph. God really did give him the voice of an angel

  105. Llewanne Salo Collister says:

    Nina. Does bookings for Fortune/Walker/Rogers/Isaacs also go thru Ovation?
    I have a potential opportunity for this marvelous group.
    Thank you. See you in April if not before. Take care and be safe.

  106. Jim & Kally Reynolds says:

    I saw Jimmy recently post an answer to someone that he was going to be in Wickenburg, AZ in January or February, but can’t find any confirmation of that any place. Haven’t seen you all, Nina, since his Gold Canyon Historic Mining Camp Restaurant days. Hope all is well.

  107. Judi Williams says:

    We saw Jimmy last night in Gainsboro, TN, and would love to see him again. Will he possibly be in Renfro Valley anytime soon? My 11 year old daughter is a huge fan!

  108. Jeff the candy man says:

    Hope Jimmy will sing Arlington at the 3 shows in Pennsylvania Thanksgiving weekend Debbie and I will be at all 3

  109. william junior turnbow says:

    do you guys have any dates for branson in 2022 yet

  110. Barbara Pendleton says:

    What plans for Jimmy in 2022 for Ohio. Maybe Sugarcreek again thanks

  111. Paul says:

    I don’t know if there are any Brotherly Love dates posted but would it be possible to indicate on the event if it is a Brotherly Love show? I try to get to any Jimmy Fortune show but make extra effort to see the group together.


    • Nina Fortune says:

      The name of the group is Fortune/Walker/Rogers/Isaacs so they will be listed as that. We are working on some dates for Easter weekend 2022 so keep your eyes open for those. They will be listed on this website and Facebook.

      • Gail Adkins says:

        November 27 in York, Pa. is the 4 right? When will tickets actually go on sale. Trying to plan a trip to see them with friends and I want to surprise them. Need to do my budget. Hotel, tickets, etc. thank you

        • Nina Fortune says:

          The best thing to do is to call the number listed for tickets. They’ll have more information than we can give you. Our side is saying 6:30 for dinner and 8 for show. The number is 717-434-0678. There is also a show in Lebanon the next day. Dinner at 3 and show at 4:30. The number is the same for that show.

  112. Debbie Brown says:

    Loved seeing you and Jimmy in Lancaster. Thanks for your help with Scott. Looking forward to seeing you again soon!

  113. Marc Aldrich says:

    Hi, I was wanting to give a very dear friend and avid fan of Jimmy a Christmas present this year, future tickets to see him here in PA. I was wondering if Jimmy will be coming to PA after July in 2021? That way I could validate the gift this year.
    Thank you,
    Marc Aldrich

  114. Gary Revercomb says:

    Just wanted to say hi to Jimmy and his family!
    I seen him at a Sheet station in Ralph and Virginia.
    I use to play drums and sing with his brother Tony!
    Prayers for him and just wanted to know how he was doing
    Thanks for all you do!
    Revercomb from Staunton Va

  115. David Glenn Worley says:

    Any chance y’all will be in Texas? Any Brotherly Love concerts planned? My Dad is 77 and I would love to come see y’all with him…would even travel to do so. DW

  116. William says:

    Will jimmy be signing autographs in Branson in September

  117. Mike Lawrence says:

    Would it be possible to have Jimmy do a show in Frostproof, Florida either before or after the Cruise in Ft. Lauderdale? We have a nonprofit Opry that does monthly shows to raise scholarship funds for the student body here. I’m certain it would be a great venue.

    Mike Lawrence
    MidFlorida Opry

  118. Charmain says:

    When will Jimmy Fortune going to be close to Louisville KY?

  119. Tara Bird says:

    Hey Nina! Is the cruise for Nov still on??

  120. Ron Speed says:

    Hi there! I am really excited to have purchased the last two front row seats for the November 11 show in Branson. Truly looking forward to being there. Thank you very much!

  121. Dennis Delfosse says:

    Hello Nina and Jimmy! We would love it if Jimmy and Team could come to Orange County in Southern California some day. Thanks for the many blessings!

    • Donna Herrema says:

      I live in California’s central valley and we would love to have Jimmy come here also. There is a church in Modesto that schedules Gospel singers and does the advertising. I would drive the 650 miles to hear Jimmy in Orange county.

  122. Dallas Hetletved says:

    Are the quartet shows with Dailey & Vincent pretty much a thing of the past? Really enjoyed them.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      They only did around 2 live shows a year together. One of the last shows before Covid was with them at the Strawberry Festival. This year Jimmy will be at their Landfest in Hiawassee GA in September and they will be together in Athens AL for the TN Fiddlers Convention.

  123. Calvin & Cookie Filbrun says:

    Can’t wait to see you in Princeton, WV. Seen you at the Manning Camp Restaurant in AZ. 3 years in a row. Love your shows. We are visiting family out east and seen you were here and had to come see you.

  124. John Fewins says:

    Nina we missed seeing you at independence county fair in batesville ar. You are so nice and pleasant to be around. God bless you and Jimmy

  125. Brenda says:

    July 4 tickets at Bisset Park, are there seats there and handicap access? Are tickets available now for purchade

  126. Susan Austin says:

    I am wondering if Jimmy or the Brotherly Love team would ever consider coming to Casper, Wyoming. I would love to see all of them in concert.

  127. Peggy Powell says:

    Mike and I plan to attend the Aug 15 Brotherly Love show at Rockingham County Fair if my health allows. I also signed up for the January cruise and so looking forward to that. I hope everyone is well. Hope to see Jimmy add more dates in Va.

  128. Llewanne Salo Collister says:

    Nina. I’m already signed up for the cruise. Can’t wait. Not sure if Jimmy has his line up on songs yet that he will be doing but if I could request two of them. Victory in Jesus and Meet me in Arlington. I just love those two and he does them so beautifully.
    Give my best to Bradley, Ben and Michael. Stay safe and will see you in January.
    Hope he liked the shirt, cup and hat. 💕

    • Nina Fortune says:

      So glad you are going to be one the cruise. Jimmy will get to do three separate shows and each is different so I’m sure he’ll have time to both of these.

      • Llewanne Salo Collister says:

        Thank you so much. Take care and I’ll see you in January if not before. Perhaps I will come down to see Gayle yet this year.

  129. Vonnie Stewart says:

    When will Jimmy be coming to anyplace in Indiana or Kentucky in 2021? I do not see anything on the tour schedule. Thank you. Love him and his music-have only got to see him twice-Scottsburg, Indiana and Renfro Valley, Kentucky!

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Not sure. If you go to either one of those venue’s websites they don’t have any live shows listed. This pandemic has done a number on touring musicians and some venues.

  130. MARGIE HOWARD says:

    I am new to this site so I have a silly question. I am the processing of buying our tickets and I would like to know “What does your tickets will be reserved for you at WILL CALL the day of concert” mean? Thank you for info.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Each venue is different and has different ticketing policy. Please contact the venue you are in question about. Normally will call means your tickets will be available to you the day of show at the venue.

  131. MARGIE HOWARD says:

    Will Jimmy be singing all 3 days May 6th at Lincolnton, Ga.?

  132. Arlene Mast says:

    How can I get tickets for the May 29th concert in Ocoee FL. Also will it be a Brotherly Love concert or a Jimmy Fortune concert? Thank you so much

  133. Ed Garrett says:

    Please tell Jimmy that Ed Garrett from Brevard says hello and great singing!

  134. Allison Thornton says:

    Where will Jimmy be singing when he is in Branson Missouri

    • Nina Fortune says:

      All the dates and venues are listed in the Tour Schedule tab. In Branson he is at The Mansion Theatre.

  135. Randy Gilbert says:

    Are there any future dates for the Brotherly Love Project? I would love to see them all together.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Ocoee, FL on 5-29-21
      Harrisonburg, VA 8-15-21

      • Robert Coleman says:

        How can we get tickets for Harrisonburg, thank you

        • Nina Fortune says:

          When the contracts are done a website will have tickets. We’re not that far yet.

          • Janice Jones says:

            We drove from South Mississippi to Columbia, TN for the April 9 concert… my husband and I and two daughters. My husband had a stroke several years ago and hasn’t done much since. He wanted to go to this concert after having watched Brotherly Love in some YouTube videos. It was a God thing that it all came together for us as it did, and on his birthday! We all enjoyed the evening very much! Please let everybody involved know what a blessing they are.

          • Nina Fortune says:

            I’m so glad it worked out for you all to come to the show! Thank you!

      • MARGIE HOWARD says:

        Hi, is info available for Ocoee, Fl. on 5-29-21 yet? So excited and I want to go hear that beautiful voice!!

      • Michael J says:

        will tickets go on sale first here for H’burg? Would really love to be there and don’t want to miss a chance to get tickets!

  136. Llewanne Collister says:

    Had the privilege of seeing the Brotherly Love show on Saturday April 10th. It is by far the best show ever. Jimmy, Mike, Ben and Bradley are the most awesome singers/musicians. It’s a must see for sure. You will not be disappointed!!

  137. Treva risner says:

    Hi, will Jimmys shows that are scheduled in Branson include the Brotherly Love quartet?

    • Nina Fortune says:

      No, everyone in the group has their own work schedule so there will be just a few of those shows. They will be clearly listed as such.

  138. Barbara Hamilton says:

    Would love to see y’all in Albertville, Al.

  139. Joe Augusta says:

    I just got turned on to your music. Fell in love with the great harmony. Bought a cd too!! Any chance that they will be touring in the northeast at all. Like New Hampshire?

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Thank you! Unfortunately we haven’t been able to tour much in the past year. I think the closest show will be in eastern PA.

  140. Gary L Belk says:

    What happened to the scheduled Gastonia, NC performance on 20 May?

  141. Jeffery Burke says:

    How do we get tickets for the April 20 myrtle beach consert website won’t let us

  142. Jeffery Burke says:

    Hoppy birthday Nina from Debbie and Jeff the candy people we will see you Friday night at the brotherly love consert

  143. Bob says:

    My wife has been looking for the music/soundtrack to Blessed be. Do you have it available.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      I’m not sure I know that song. I know it’s something we don’t have the tracks to because Jimmy’s not recorded it.

    • rich jones says:

      that is a statler brothers song
      that song was on the Radio Gospel favorites CD

  144. Sherry Barnett says:

    When are you coming back to Texas. We love you

  145. Carolyn Cross says:

    I love when you sing Wildfire. I play it daily. If you weren’t married; I would be introducing myself. Love you Jimmy

  146. Gay Seiber says:

    Hope to see you in Texas soon!!

  147. Ron Grainger says:

    Will Jimmy be doing the Brotherly Love Tour anywhere in the Ohio area?

  148. Don Fleet says:

    Where will y’all b in Branson this fall so I can buy tickets.

  149. james jackson says:

    Certainly have missed you Jimmy. We drive up from Harrison, Arkansas every time you are in Branson. Keep singing and writing songs for God and this old world. There are not many like you left .

  150. Brad says:

    When are you doing the show in Princeton, WV. It’s at The Chuck Mathena Center. It was postponed 2 times last year. June & September.

  151. naomi harwood says:

    Just wondering if Brotherly Love has a website and schedule dates
    I love their music!

    • Nina Fortune says:

      No. There isn’t a website. Because of everyone’s schedule we don’t anticipate a lot of shows. There are two listed now for April 9th and 10th on the tour schedule.

  152. Rhonda Carolyn Banks says:

    Will Jimmy be doing and concerts in Alabama this year? We would love for him to come to Huntsville.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      With Covid mandates not many venues are booking shows. Not sure when things will get back to normal.

  153. Robert Coleman says:

    Is the concert in York, Pa in May still on, I did not see it on the schedule

  154. bill says:

    any idea when jimmy will be in branson

  155. Ronnie Ashley says:

    Are there any concerts scheduled with Fortune, Rodgers ,Walker , Ben Issack

  156. Sandra Roberts says:

    I am wondering about Jimmy’s March 19, 2021 concert in Rocky Mount – Is it still planned or will it be postponed? Thank you.

  157. Tammy Johnson says:

    Nina, I am so sorry for the loss of your father! Prayers for you and your family! Can’t wait to see you all again soon!

  158. Janis l turner says:

    Nina, so sorry for the loss of your father, a few weeks ago I attended the funeral of my cousin who was the seventh member of my family since the end of August 2020 who has passed away. I am sending you this poem which was on the prayer card for my cousin. Hope it comforts you as it did me. Don’t know who wrote this.

    I’m Free

    Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free.
    I’m following the path God laid me for me.
    I took his hand when I heard his call.
    I turn my back and left it all.
    I could not stay another day.
    To laugh, to love, to work or play.
    Tasks left undone must stay that way.
    I found that peace at close of day.
    If my parting has left s void,
    then fill it with remembered joy.
    A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
    ay yes these things I too will miss.
    Be not burdened with times of sorrow.
    I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
    My life has been full, I’ve savored much.
    Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch.
    Perhaps my time seemed all to brief .
    don’t lengthen it now with undue grief.
    Lift up your hearts and share with me.
    God wanted me now; He set me free.


  159. Cathy Zimmerman says:

    We have tickets for the 11/29/2020 in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Are they still having that concert—it’s not on Jimmy’s schedule. If not, will it be rescheduled?

  160. Jolene Harper says:

    I was wondering and hoping that Jimmy will still have his concert in Weyers Cave, Va. just before Christmas, I have seen him 6 yrs. in a row, and do not want to miss him this yr.2020.
    Please let me know I have lots of family members that are getting anxious to know. Love that Jimmy Fortune!

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We are getting all the details finalized. Because big social distancing regulations they have decided to have it at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds. Tickets will go on sale 10-19-20 and a link will be set up and put up on the website then.

    • Emily Day says:

      Will they be coming back to Missouri?

      • Nina Fortune says:

        There are several tentative dates for next year. As soon as we know for sure we will put them on the tour page.

  161. Cathy Matney says:

    Happy Anniversary to you guys

  162. Johnny Head says:

    Are y’all going to be in Liberty NC this December? Would love to see y’all again

  163. David Parsons says:

    Hi… Sugarcreek Ohio on October 1 cancelled? The venue site is still showing the show as happening, and the only one still listed above, but the links are broken to buy tickets. Thanks

    • Nina Fortune says:

      As far as we know. They are trying to get it all approved by local government. They think it will pass. We should know by Tuesday if they will have to cancel.

      • David Parsons says:

        Hi Nina,
        Thanks for the reply. Has there been an update at all on Sugarcreek?
        I interviewed Jimmy a few years ago for publication and was really interested in covering this show for publication if it goes off.

    • Victoria E Hollowell says:

      It says the concert in Branson on 10-08 is cancelled and the right under it there is 10-08 that does not have cancel beside it. Is Jimmy going to be there?

      • Nina Fortune says:

        We originally were scheduled at The Mansion in Branson but most of their shows cancelled this year. Larry’s Country Diner asked Jimmy to fill in on 10-8-20 after the other was cancelled. So we will be at the Clay Cooper theatre.

  164. Kenny Yopp says:

    Hope that Jimmy will be back to Knoxville TN Pigeon Forge TN area soon
    sure do miss seeing him and so sorry for the lose of Harold im sure jimmy as missed him

  165. rich and pat reynolds says:

    we met jimmy on the streets of Nashville, Indiana many years ago and he got tickets to for us to see his solo show that night in the local theatre. we want to thank him for that. will he appear any where near Illinois soon? being a vet we love his song “more than a name on a wall”.thank you for your music

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Thank you for posting! As you may already know most of our shows have been cancelled due to COVID and no one is booking new shows because of the new restrictions. Hopefully things will be able to pick back up next year.
      Thank you for your service! And I hope we get to meet again soon.

  166. Sandy Neuenschwander says:

    I’m so hoping this month’s show in Franklin, NC, that was cancelled due to covid, will be rescheduled for next year. If so, I’ll be there with bells on! Good Lord willing, of course 🙂

  167. Agnes & Lorne Fredericksen says:

    Dear Nina & Jimmy ,

    It sure would be nice to see you both on the Canadian circuit when things get back to normal again ! The last time we were able to see you was in Yuma Arizona about six years ago when we drove up from Palm Springs for your show !
    Up until then we only have your CD’s and You tube is very good to play your music ! We have noticed a Gaither cruise leaving from Seattle Washington that you will be with , but we are mainly interested in your show , how long would you be performing with them on this cruise . It will be around the time our 50th Anniversary so we would consider taking it if your going to entertain for awhile . Really love your music & voice ! God bless !

    • Nina Fortune says:

      This is a great cruise but Jimmy got to do three songs last year. I don’t know how many he’ll get to do next time. We also do a cruise called Country Music Cruise and Jimmy gets to do three 90 minute solo shows on that one.

  168. Jennifer Ramirez says:

    Sadden by the news of Harolds passing. My thoughts and prayers are with all in this sad time.

  169. Michael Stephens says:

    Jimmy and Nina so very sorry to hear about Harold Reid’s passing. The Statlers have been and will always be my favorite group of all time. Prayers with you in this time of loss. He was an amazing talent. The world is not going to be the same now.

  170. Jeff and Debbie says:

    Happy Birthday Nina
    Hope you got your birthday candy

  171. Robert coleman says:

    If Jimmy can we would love if he can post his daily songs during this difficult time to Jimmy Fortune Fans on Facebook. There are over 1100 of us on there that love Jimmy and you Nina. THANK YOU

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We started yesterday on Jimmy’s official page. Anyone is free to share on the fan page, we don’t administer the fan page.

      • Judy Sprouts says:

        Hi Nina and Jimmy! This is Judy and Ed from Columbus, Oh. We saw you at Sugarcreek last summer and I stopped by to say Hi to you, but could not stay long enough to talk with Jimmy. We drove back to Columbus. I just want to say that I have a Alexa and am listening to all of Jimmys songs right now and they are so comforting during this difficult time with with Covid-19 virus. Stay healthy and safe and hopefully we will be able to visit Sugarcreek this June. We will celebrate our 58th wedding anniversary on June 9th. and that would be a wonderful way we could celebrate, but not sure if there are any tickets left. Love and Peace to you both. Judy from Columbus, Ohio.

        • Nina Fortune says:

          We hope you stay safe and healthy too! I’m sure there will be tickets available for the Sugarcreek show. There’s always people who bought tickets that can’t come to the rescheduled show. I would call the venue and leave a message if you can. I’m sure they are closed during this time.

  172. william j turnbow says:

    Hi Nina
    tell jimmy thankyou for the dedication song sat night my wife said it was the highlight of our trip, she has a copy of the song sheet music he sang (MY ONLY LOVE) she wanted him to autograph unfortunately he couldn’t do autographs which I understand, we wont get to see him again until nov which we already have our front row tickets for so we will get him to sign it then


    • Nina Fortune says:

      Thank you both for attending the show! We can’t wait to see you again on Nov. Jimmy will be able to sign the sheet music then.

    • Debbie says:

      Hi William, I am a fan of Jimmy’s too. Are you going to be on the country music cruise in November? If so I am in the front row too. Jimmy is so personable and loving can’t wait to see them again.

  173. Norma Thatcher says:

    Curious as to why the March 20 concert in Rocky Mount has yet to be cancelled or postponed. Having been at two of Jimmy’s concerts at this venue, truly the audience is of the age that’s most at risk right now. Please consider postponing as most of the health experts advise against being part of a crowd. Thanks for your consideration.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      It has been postponed. The venue had so many shows to reschedule it took a while to get them all done.

  174. Jeff Burke B'Sweet Candy Co. says:

    Hey Nina hope you guys got Jimmy’s birthday candy OK. Sorry we won’t be able to see y’all on the 21st but we will be there in June.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Yes we did! I was going to thank you in person. Thank you so much!!! I hope you can come to the rescheduled date in June.

  175. jacqueline charbonneau says:

    im going to be moving to near porter tx any dates in texas

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We usually do several dates in TX. We just played in Bowie the end of Feb and 4 dates around Dallas in October. We will be there again just don’t know when yet. Hopefully we can get close to your area.

  176. Patrick Roberts says:

    I watched an interview with Jimmy last night at OnFireConcerts and regret that I will leave this life w/o ever having seen him in person. One of my favorite renditions of Amazing Grace is by the Starlet Bros. I have never seen an entertainer processing this faith as came through clearly on that interview. Perhaps I will see his soul in the great beyond because, even if I could afford tickets, being confined to a wheelchair would prevent my attendance. But, we will all be restored to the perfectness God created when we appear bff before Him for judgment.

  177. Sheree says:

    Just wondering if Jimmy will be coming to Renfro Valley this year. We have seen him several times and always get such a blessing.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We have 11-21-20 on hold for Renfro Valley. The contract isn’t complete yet so the date could possibly change.

  178. Joyce Garringer says:

    My husbands and I just got off a cruise with Larry country Diner.My,how we enjoyed it. We were in awe about how friendly Jimmy was with the cruisers. Hope to see you in Indiana real soon. You are a true blessing. Your testimony,Jimmy, really blessed our hearts. Keep on living for Him and He will continue to bless you.

  179. Laura Stokes says:

    Mrs Nina,

    My mom and I love Jimmy and his music. Several years ago my mom had a stroke which over time took her ability to say anything other than yes. One of the last concerts we were able to attend was Jimmy in Wiersdale June 2018. My dad passed the following October and my mom had to be placed in a nursing home. I took my Jimmy CD for her to listen to and even though she could only say yes, she tried to sing with him. My mom passed away September 2019. Because of her love for Jimmy and his father, I had songs/hymns played from the CD.

  180. bill says:

    hi Nina
    our names are Bill and Cathy Turnbow from Choctaw oklahoma

  181. william j turnbow says:

    hello Nina
    I wonder if I could ask a favor of jimmy, my wife and I will be celebrating our 45th anniversary March 15th we will be at his concert in branson March 14th, my wife would love it if he would recognize it wehave front row seats

    thanks Bill

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Bill…please tell me your wife’s name too please.

      • Bill says:

        William and Catherine Turnbow
        From choctaw oklahoma
        Anniversary is March 15,
        45 years

      • Ronnie Nutt says:

        We do a monday night quarterly dinner theater at first christian church ⛪️ in paris texas. it is a a show and dinner with all proceeds going to a local charity.
        If you every schedule a date or weekend in Texas or Oklahoma or Arkansas or Louisiana which would match with one of our events first monday in march, june or december or second monday in september./
        drop me a note at
        Ronnie Nutt
        Paris Texas
        childhood home of Duane Allen of Oak Ridge Boys and Gene Watson.

  182. Kathy Dausend says:

    We need to get Jimmy on the west coast! Especially at Shadow Mountain Community Church for Turning Point Ministries – TV!

    • Chris S. Kurilla says:

      Jimmy you got to play in Pottsville Pa or at Tri Valley High school again. Tell Billy James I said hello. Hope to see you boys again. Maybe Lewisburg Pa. Take care.

  183. Marvalee Ulrich says:

    Will Jimmy be in SD in 2020

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We are just now booking for later this year. We have been to Sisseton the last several years, maybe we’ll be back there again.

  184. GWN says:

    Does Jimmy ever come way down South to Louisiana? We’d love to see him locally, or even in Mississippi. I have not seen any dates in the Deep South other than Texas. I enjoy his music and respect him not only as an artist but in his personal demeanor and convictions. Blessings always!

  185. Joe Swenson says:

    Is it possible to get piano arrangement for How Great Thou Art on the I believe CD. I am going to sing it in church and would love to get sheet music for it. Jimmy sang it for my 105 year old mother-in-law at the Mining Camp a couple of years ago with Sydney playing violin and we loved it. Do you ever hear from Vinny and Debbie. We had hoped they would rebuild. God Bless you both

    • Nina Fortune says:

      You can buy the tracks from either here or at the Daywind website. We do not sell the sheet music as there are so many others available already.

  186. bill says:

    see you in branson march 14, my wife an I have front row seats for our anniversary, 45 years

  187. william j turnbow says:


  188. Gary Cotter says:

    I am so sorry to have taken so long to write. My wife and myself attended the Arlington, Texas show along with our 8 year old great-grandson, Braelynn. We waited to be near the end of the line to say hello and introduce Braelynn to Jimmy. You see, Braelynn has sat with me watching videos of Jimmy’s performances, most often enjoying More Than A Name On A Wall and My Only Love. Jimmy that night took a genuine interest in our kid and spent an abundance of time with him. It is indescribable the impact this made on Braelynn who still has Jimmy’s picture on his nightstand. We had a tracing of my cousin’s name obtained from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and asked for it to be signed. Jimmy graciously and humbly did so. That tracing, along with the introductory narrative from the Farewell Concert, is proudly framed and hangs above my desk. Now, I can play that special song, look at that tracing, and be at peace with my cousin’s sacrifice. As Braelynn now feels he knows Jimmy, this special gift will be passed on to him as I know he will cherish it as I do. Thank you, Jimmy, for being the person you are.

  189. Rick says:

    Hi Nina,

    We live in East Tennessee and was wondering if Jimmy will be coming near Knoxville in 2020, and where?

    Rick G

  190. Dennis Shifflett says:

    I saw on FB where someone posted they have tickets for the Weyers Cave concert but everywhere I look it says “Notify Me”. Are tickets available now?

    Thank you,

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Yes, they are on sale. The reason it says that is because there isn’t a website that sales tickets. You have to click on the date and it will tell you how to get tickets.

  191. Nancy Mraz says:

    Just want to say that I enjoy all of Jimmy song. In July 2018 Jimmy called and sang happy birthday for my 80th birthday. My sister an I have been down to Lebanon, Pa six times to see him and will be attending Dec 1 again. Only wish he would come closer to us. We are about 50 miles from Albany, NY. Would Jimmy sing The Great Pretender for the Dec 1 show. I watch it on U Tube for the last Statler’s concert. Best wishes to Jimmy and you Nina

  192. deb says:

    I see Jimmy will be at Weyers Cave Dec 4 and 5th. My mom will be in the hosp the first week of December and I’m wondering which date he will be giving his concert there for the patients. Thanks!

  193. John says:

    Any plans of getting up near Buffalo, NY?

  194. Michael Stephens says:

    I am not very old but I grew up listening to the statlers with my dad and uncle. They have been and still are my favorites of all time. When they retired I thought my chances to hear them were over. Last night I had the pleasure of hearing Jimmy Fortune sing in Lubbock. It was so amazing to hear him sing as I did not think I would ever get to hear one of my favorites sing in person. His passion for music and his faith in God are truly inspirational. His voice is still As amazing as it was in the beginning. Thank you for coming here last night and for taking time to talk to your fans. I was one of the last in line and Jimmy still had a smile on his face when he greeted me. God bless you.

  195. Daniel Kinney says:

    Hi Jimmy, do you sell autographed pictures? My Grandson Caden is 6 and loves your music. I sure would like to get him one. Thank You, Dan.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Yes, you can get them at the shows and in the website. If you order there is a place for you to put notes, like if you want it personalized.

  196. Rev. Mike Harrington says:

    We just moved to Waynesboro where I serve as a Pastor in a area called Lyndhurst. Boy were we blessed to find out how much our folks loved Jimmy around here (just like we always have) We drive on “Lew Dewitt” blvd. just about every day, and we are sure loving how much the Statlers are loved and respected here. Hope to see Jimmy in December in Weyers Cave. his is simply the best voice we’ve ever loved…. THanks for all the awesome music Jimmy & Nina

  197. bill says:

    jimmy is great we have seen him several time and hope to see him several more

  198. Pamela Johnson says:

    We have seen Jimmy in I Prairie du Sac Wisconsin ever time that he was there we were so sad to fined out that he wasn’t going to be here this year his show was so awesome sure wish he could come back what a blessing it was to be there at the show God Bless all of you hope to see him in Wisconsin next year.

  199. william turnbow says:

    do you know when tickets will go on sell for the Branson show at the mansion theatre

  200. Nick Butler says:

    Any thoughts on visiting the UK especially Liverpool?
    Bit of a country following up here plus it would be great to see Jimmy.
    All the best to you Jimmy and the family.

    Nick Butler

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We don’t have any plans as of now but would love to one day.

      • Deborah Knisely says:

        I have loved Mr. Fortune for so many years. When I found that he had made to records I bought them knowinging that I had only enough money for a loaf of bread it didn’t stop me from buying it. I’m not trying trying to get sympathy, I always have said before I pass to go with the Lord I want nothing to hear first is his own gospel record. Mr. Fortune makes me feel things will be ok, my life hasn’t changed more than when my daddy died a yearand a half ago and after she took all my inheritance. I have nothing but God. I know that he will get me through the trial but I must say Jimmy Fortune makes it a lot more easier to bare.
        I just wanted to ask for your family to pray for me. Let anyone know who may read this that God will provide serve him and he will make it better.
        On the DVD The old rugged cross. They can find Jimmy Fortune singing On the other side of the cross.
        For love in Christ

  201. Vicki says:

    Sure miss seeing Jimmy in Arizona. We use to go see him at the Mining Camp Restaurant each February before it burned down, he put on such a great show. Please come back to Arizona.

  202. Eva Hamilton says:

    We saw Jimmy & T.Graham Brown tonight at Renfro Valley-(KY).We see a lot of shows-but this show will definitely go down as one of the best ever.The show went from 8-11.It was truly Amazing!Eva& Walt

  203. says:

    We saw Jimmy & T.Graham Brown tonight at Renfro Valley-(KY).We see a lot of shows-but this show will definitely go down as one of the best ever.The show went from 8-11.It was truly Amazing!Eva& Walt

  204. Bill says:

    hoping to see you in Oklahoma again soon

    • Judi Rutherford says:

      Awesome show in Renfro Valley, KY. Eva loved talking to you. Thanks for being so nice to her. Her night was made when Jimmy sang Wake up little Susie but she was beyond excited when she got her picture made with him. I have loved Jimmy’s music since I was a little girl. He is truly the real deal! God bless you! Hope he gets back to East Tennessee sometime soon!

  205. Jeff Heaton. Lake city colorado says:

    Nina, Will jimmy tour this next year in the New Mexico, Colorado area in 2020? I have a venue that seats 350. Would love to have him. If possible. Btw. He and I sang back to back on the country music cruise. At the piano bar. What a blast!!! Plz. LMK.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      At this point we’re not sure but you should contact the booking agency at 615-991-4210. They can help you out.

  206. Tom Streit says:

    Hello Mrs. Fortune:

    I’m so proud to share a Virginia heritage with you folks and, of course, the entire “Statler” family. I was born and raised in
    Winchester. Now I’m an equally proud resident of South Carolina and excited to look forward Jan. 10, 2020 when my wife and I, along with four other family members will see Jimmy in concert at the Newberry Opra House. Born in the same era as the older Statlers, my concert-going days are nearly over but, I didn’t want to miss this opportunity. Thank you for all the sacrifices
    you and your family have made in order to share Jimmy’s wonderful talent with the world and for your devotion to sharing God’s unending love everywhere you go.

  207. Dallas Hetletved says:

    Are there any quartet shows planned with Dailey & Vincent?

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We have a few shows booked together next year but not as a quartet. One is the Strawberry Festival in Plant City FL.

  208. Lynn says:

    any chance Jimmy could play (On The Far Side Banks Of Jordan)
    at the show in Sisseton SD on Sept 29th we are driving over from northern MN for the show and would love to hear him sing it live

  209. Paul Mitchell says:

    Just wondered if Jimmy ever considered touring in the UK. He has many fans over here.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We have never toured the UK before, just never had the opportunity. Hopefully someday we can.

  210. Jennifer Ramirez says:

    Thought I saw a Branson show date for Sept but I don’t see it on his schedule If so please give me the date so I can make the show

  211. Nina Fortune: I am very excited about going to hear Jimmy sing in Taunton Ma. June 9th. I wanted him to know that I requested the song ( On The Far Side Banks Of Jorden played at my sisters Funeral April 29th, 2019. That song made her funeral so special and it touched my heart deeply. I have his CD with that song and I am going to ask him to sign it for me if I get a chance to shake hands with him and I hope I do. God bless you both and thank you Nina for sharing your husbands gift of song with so many good Christian people. I’m sure it brought smiles to many hundred’s of people.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Of course Jimmy will sign that for you. He does a meet and greet after each show at the merchandise table.

  212. Vikki Scull says:

    I absolutely love listening to Jimmy and was wondering if he will be coming back to The Orange Blossom Opry in Weirsdale, Fl. during the winter months. I saw him last December and his show was amazing! I know that he will be there in May, but since I am a snowbird, I will not be in Florida at that time.
    I loved seeing both of you on The Country Music Cruise!!

  213. Jeremy Glass says:

    I hope to attend a concert if Jimmy ever makes it over to Houston, Texas. I’m only 34, but I have been a fan since the early 90s when I first found out about the Statler Brothers. Jimmy is an amazing singer and songwriter. I highly respect that work.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Thank you!! I do know we will be in TX in October for several shows but most of them will be near the Dallas area.

  214. william turnbow says:

    we will see you guys in hinton ok a week from sat, my wife has sheet music ” ELIZABETH ” she wants jimmy to sign, he signed sheet music for “MORE THAN A NAME ON A WALL ” last year in branson, we love jimmys music

  215. Robert and Joan Coleman says:

    Cannot wait until Saturday night to see you and Jimmy in Lovingston. We have b een driving down from Pennsylvania each year he has done the show at the high school to raise money for the music department. We love seeing you two in York, PA too in December but this show in Lovingston is special.

  216. Greg McClure says:

    Mrs. Fortune, About 8 years ago I ordered an autographed poster from your husband, for my mother who was going thru treatment for stage 3 breast cancer at age 70. Mr. Fortune personalized the signing of the poster, for which my mother very happy to receive. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to say thank you for this. My mother, Nancy, is doing well and has recovered / and has been diagnosed as cancer free now! But I wanted to say thank you to you and your husband for taking the time to sign the poster and cd I ordered for her. Again, I wanted to thank you both. She is a huge fan. I am planning on surprising her with a short trip up to Scottsburg, IN for one of Mr. Fotune’s two shows. Thank you both so much. God Bless!

  217. C. C.Williamson and Bill Foreman says:


    We have tickets for your concert on the 23rd of March, 2019, at the Nelson County High School! Very Much looking forward to it!!

    C.C. Williamson, Williamsburg, VA and Bill Foreman, Virginia Beach, VA

    Bill saw your birthday listed in the Norfolk, VA newspaper the
    Virginia Pilot today March 11, 2019!

    Many happy returns!!

  218. bill says:

    will you guys be in branson this year

  219. william turnbow says:

    are you guys going to be in branson this year

    • Nina Fortune says:

      There are some LCD shows booked in September and we are supposed to be there on 9-26-19 for that but the contract hasn’t been signed so they actual date can change until that is signed.

  220. Betty and Larry LaPatka says:

    Any idea when your dearly beloved will be coming to East Tennessee other than the Gather Fest in May 2019? Thank You
    in advance.
    Betty and Larry LaPatka
    Parrottsville, Tennessee

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Not sure. We just found out for sure the promoter for the Pigeon Forge shows will not be using the Country Tonite Theatrr this year.

  221. Pamela Sciabica says:

    I wanted to know off Jimmy can call my mom on April 27th to wish her a Happy 80th Birthday. We go and see him in Weirsdale, Fl Strawberry Festival. She’s just loves him to pieces and that would just make her Birthday so special. Please let me know if you could make that happen. Her phone number 352-584-6824. My name isn’t Pam my phone # 352-238-0026. Thank you so much.❤️😍🙏😇


    2nd request Do you have any Branson dates yet

  223. Jackie says:

    I was wondering if Jimmy has play at Merlefest, Wilkesboro, NC. This would be an honor to have him sing there. We saw him the last 2 Novembers in Liberty, NC and have followed his career ever since he started. My Only Love was played at our Wedding in 1985 and it still make me cry. After more than 30 years of marriage this has been my go to song when I sometimes forget why I Love my hubby so. Thank you sharing Jimmy with us.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Jimmy did play there several years ago with D&V. Although I don’t have a contract yet, there has been an offer for Jimmy to play in Wilkesboro, not Merlefest, in October.

  224. Terry L. Kiser, Sr says:

    Saw Mr. Fortune tonight in Newberry, SC. I knew it would be a great show and I was not disappointed. I’ve been to many concerts from old (real) country music to Rock and Roll but tonight I saw what I will always call the best concert I have ever attended. I got a chance to speak to Mr. Fortune and get autographs and pictures and I told him, “When I was younger (before he came along) I always said if I could sing like anyone, it would be Jim Reeves. But lately, if I could sing like anyone I wanted to, it would be Jimmy Fortune or Jim Reeves.” There have been many great voices over the years in country music. But a great voice is nothing if the singer doesn’t put his or her heart into it. Jimmy Fortune does that very well. Thank you Mr. Fortune and God bless you and yours. Terry and Barbara Kiser North, SC

  225. Jennifer Ramirez says:

    Do you know dates for Branson this year

  226. william says:

    looking forward to seeing you guys in hinton ok, that’s a treat for us, its close to home

  227. Mike says:

    Oh my God, still loving the concert last week in York, PA. Three hour drive from NJ, but worth every minute. Jimmy sounded incredible. The show was out of this world. He mixed some Christmas music with some new music (which was really good) , some solo music and some Statler classics. His voice is impeccable. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but he blew me and my wife away. If you get a chance to see him, don’t miss the opportunity. You will not regret it. He was so down to earth. It felt like he was a lifelong friend that could have been sitting at our table. If you are lucky enough to get him touring in your area, go see him. You will not regret it. Amazing show. Can’t wait to see him again next year.

  228. Jennifer Ramirez says:

    I was so sorry to receive to call that the scheduled for Branson Dec 12 & 13 had been cancelled I was so looking forward to Jimmy’s Christmas show This would have been the 3rd time I would have been able to see him First at the El Dorado Springs Picnic in July then again Oct 19 in Branson as my granddaughters birthday gift I am hoping that Jimmy will be in Branson in 2019 so we will be able to see his show again

  229. Robert and Joan Coleman says:

    Looking forward to December 1st to see you and Jimmy in York, PA. We have come to every concert you have done in York as well as each one in Lovingston, VA as well as a few others including the ones with Dailey and Vincent. We even went to one of hsi first solo outings in East Stroudasburg, PA at a church and he was wonderful as usual.

  230. Bill says:

    Hi Nina
    Loved seeing you in branson,
    I was the guy looking for the coffee mugs

  231. David VanBibber says:

    When are you coming back to Ohio? May not remember me but the Holy Spirit came on me strong while you were singing the old rugged cross. I couldn’t stop crying for hours. You hugged me and told me God had big plans for me. I bought your CD. Didn’t know your music or the song. But the next morning while listing to the song If I was God, the Holy Spirit let me understand what Jesus went through and what really happened for us on the cross. And he has been using me since. Would love to see you again.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      That’s wonderful! Thank you for letting us know.
      Not sure when we will be back up to Ohio, hopefully sometime in 2019.

  232. Debra McCusker says:

    My fella and I just saw Jimmy and his band at the Wayne County Fairground on October 13, 2018. What a wonderful show! We are touched that Jimmy and the gang would offer up their talents in such an intimate venue and for such a good cause, the KW Methodist Children’s Home.

    We are already preparing to purchase tickets for the December show in Liberty, NC.

  233. Candy says:

    will there be any shows in Texas near fort worth?

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We played Arlington, Weatherford, and Corsicana this past April. We are making plans to come back sometime next year.

  234. Kathi says:

    We last saw Jimmy at a benefit in Hopkins, MN a few years ago. Is he planning to come to southern Minnesota any time soon?

  235. Debbie Holt says:

    Hello, would someone be able to tell me how I can find out more information on the performance on December 3 2018 at Antioch Church of the Brethren in Woodstock VA? I’ve looked on the church website and did not see any details on how I might be able to attend the event with my husband. Thanks again!

    • Nina Fortune says:

      The telephone number listed on the website for this date is 540-325-1660.

      • Deborah Holt says:

        Nina, thank you very much! I’ll give them a call. We really enjoyed the performance in Radford, Virginia on Fourth of July. Many blessings to you and your family for sharing Christ through your music.

  236. Bill Turnbow says:

    I heard Jimmy was writing a book is that true and if it is is he finished with it and where can I get it

    • Nina Fortune says:

      It is true but not sure when it will be out. Please sign up for the emails and you will get a notification when it’s completed.

  237. Georgette Couvall says:

    Former Statler Brother, Jimmy Fortune will be in concert in Wisconsin on Saturday, 9/29. Here is the information:

  238. Libby Zwilling says:

    Jimmy used to play in Fountain Hills and Apache Junction. Since the Mining Camp Restaurant burned down, will Jimmy be coming back to Arizona? I’d love to see him in Prescott, AZ

  239. Barbara Emert says:

    I had the opportunity to see Jimmy at the North Georgia fair recently. It was just the most fantastic experience. I was a Statler fan and enjoyed him with them, but as a solo act you learn more about him as a person – truly outstanding. Much appreciation for a great time!

  240. Danny Murphy says:

    Would love to see Jimmy come back through Northeast Iowa. He played in Oelwein five or so years ago, but please come back to this area, we want to finally get to see you we did not get to last time.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Jimmy will be in Spencer IA in September opening for The Oak Ridge Boys. It would be great to come back to Oelwein again. Maybe we can check for next year.

  241. Brenda Anderson says:

    Nina, met you and Jimmy again at Hiwassee fair in North Ga. July 28, 2018! I’d written you a note! I brought my husband Donnie, up to meet you after show, people had thinned out, and You were packing up! Jimmy was talking to friends, we got home the following Monday evening we have about 7 to 8 hour drive, it was so worth it, but unfortunately, Donnie suffered a stroke Monday night or early Tuesday morning, as of now, he can’t use his left hand or walk alone, please put him on your an Jimmy’s prayer list, I know The spirit of God was in the the when he sang “I Believe” it’s one of our favorite songs! Please come back to Douglas, Ga, don’t wait till blueberries come!

  242. Butch Suor says:

    The last time we saw Jimmy was at Music Ranch Montana and we had to drive 6 hrs. to Livingston. We took a picture with my wife and Jimmy but for some reason it didn’t work. We are wondering if Jimmy has any plans to possibly come out Idaho way. We live in Stites, ID which is about 80 miles east of Lewiston. Least I can say I live 80 miles from the nearest stop light. We love you guys and what you do and I just thought I’d ask. Thank you and may GOD bless you both.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      For some reason we don’t get out your way often, although it’s extremely beautiful. We have been to Livingston every other year so hopefully we will be there next year.

  243. Laura says:

    We love to listen to Jimmy. We just moved my father into a nursing home and his music is helping with the transition of leaving his home. Jimmy’s music is a real testament of faith.
    We would love to see him. I noticed you will be coming to Spencer, Iowa in 2018 for a performance. We have had several quartet groups perform in our church, such as the Collinsworth Family. Would you ever consider stopping by and witness at one of our Sunday or evening service while you were in the area? We live in a beautiful town of about 7,000 about 40 miles from Spencer, Iowa. We have a beautiful church with outstanding sound system. I know it is not on the tour schedule, but hospitality in Iowa is great and we love gospel music. We would love to make it happen for you while you are out the direction any way. We would be so blessed. Willing to hear if you are interested or talk details. Thank-You! With God all things are possible!

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Normally our booking agent would handle this but I can say that when we book a show they do not allow Jimmy to perform, usually within 150 miles, within months of a show. We will also be driving in Monday for the show on Monday night.

  244. Juli says:

    Will Ryan Joseph be joining Jimmy on any of these tour dates?

  245. Peggy Johnson says:

    Hi Nina,
    My sister and I saw Jimmy in Knoxville, IA June 1st and he was fantastic. In checking his tour schedule, it shows that he will be at the Woodstock Opera House in Woodstock, IL on Sept. 28. That is only about 25 miles from my house and we would love to see him again. In trying to book tickets, there is nothing on their schedule for a show on Sept 28. Please advise. Thanks

  246. Brad daffron says:

    Jimmy Fortune is the most down to earth entertainer i have ever had the pleasure of meeting! My wife, 6 year old daughter and myself were stopped at taco bell/KFC in Benton illinois, I thought I recognized the man walking out, sure enough, it was Jimmy! I went out to see, he was getting in his vehicle, and he could have told me to leave, but, did the very opposite, he spent about 10 minutes talking, put my daughter on his knee, and even autographed a c.d. Copy for us, which is proudly displayed in our living room! A man of international stardom takes time out for an average family, he has class, and a huge family, and is down to earth as ever! Jimmy is a true gentleman and I’m so glad God saw fit to bless this man with fame, fortune, but most of all kindness and humility! It was great to meet you Jimmy, friends and fans for life, the Daffron’s, DuQuoin il

  247. EDNA HUGHES says:

    I saw Jimmy in Douglas, GA on June 8th, had an awesome night. Jimmy and his entire staff are some of the kindest people I have ever met. I was ushered to the table by one of his staff where Jimmy came around to have a picture taken with me. I was given an autographed photo, paid for by the staff member who so sweetly helped me back to a seat. Thank you, I’m sorry I did not get your name but you know who you are. I will see you all again if you are ever close enough for me to get there. God bless you all!!!

  248. Nathan says:

    I saw Jimmy last night in Knoxville. What a show, and what a talent! I saw him previously as a child in 1982, and again in the Wisconsin Dells on the 4th-to-last Statler show. He never disappoints. Keep up the great work! Can’t wait to get to my next show.

  249. Graeme Foord says:

    I have two things to ask. Firstly: I have been a huge fan of Jimmy’s for years but i have never seen him live. Can you tell me if there is any likelihood of Jimmy coming to play in Scotland or UK?

    Lastly: Is there anywhere I could purchase a copy of “Far Side Banks of Jordan” as a backing track (minus the vocal). The version on the Hits and Hymns DVD is superb. It would be fantastic to be able to do it in church.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Thanks for writing! Although we would love to come to the UK we don’t have any plans of it right now.
      The label for Hits and Hymns has not released any tracks of the CD.

  250. Sean Verhoeff says:

    Nina, will Jimmy have any shows in the fort Campbell area any time soon.

  251. Donna Massie says:

    Hi Nina,

    We travel to Nashville every year during CMA Fest, and would love to see Jimmy during that time. Will he be performing anywhere this year?

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We have shows that weekend. 8-8-18 in Georgia and 8-9-18 in Florida. We have not made any plans as of yet to be at CMA this year.

  252. Bill says:

    Sorry about spelling, spell ck

  253. Bill says:

    My wife and I love the starlet and of course Jimmy is amazing we have been to see him a few times and plan going to see him again in branso n I’m October, what would it take to get him to sing Don Reid’s son the other side of the cross

  254. Lorraine Boyden says:

    Nina, Is Jimmy do a cruise with Deb Dodd in 2019. I enjoy Deb’s cruise more than Country Music cruise. I talked to Jimmy on the last cruise. I loved it. Because I live in New England I can’t see you guys except on the cruise.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Not in 2019. As you know we are booked on the other in 2019 so we will have to skip a year. I figured people didn’t want to do Alaska again since we did it two years in a row.

  255. Robert Coleman says:

    Hi Nina. Looking forward to seeing you and Jimmy in Lovingston and then we will be coming back down to see the show in Dulbin a couple weeks later. Lots of time on Route 81 but so worth it to see the singer Joan and I think is the best tenor voice of today.

  256. Logan says:

    Is jimmy coming near Boonville Indiana soon

  257. Jacquelyn Meyer says:

    Jimmy, We enjoyed your concert today at the Strawberry Festival in Plant City, Florida. Oh – your voice is so wonderful. If you would have had another show tonight – we would have been there!!!
    Thank you for being you – for sharing your faith – for uplifting us and singing your heart out.

    P.S. We are Iowans who have seem you too many times to count – on your own and with the Statlers.

  258. Georgette Couvall says:

    Hi Nina. I just heard today that Jimmy will be doing another benefit concert for the World Craniofacial Foundation ( in Wisconsin in September.

    If yes, can you let me know the date, place etc. about this event? Thank you so much!

  259. Rooster Simpson says:

    I hope Jimmy makes it up to my area by St Louis,MO.,or even near Alton,Illinois.I see he is doing Branson,but wish it would be close up here. If the Lord’s willing, maybe 2019 ?
    I also caught the tale-end of Jimmy and Ben Isaacs,in the Studio with Eddie Stubbs,on the airwaves of WSM 650 am Radio. Cool.God annointed.

  260. Lynn says:

    Any plans on coming to Minnesota or North Dakota in the future we would really love to see Jimmy in person he has a way to make the music come alive

  261. Sean Verhoeff says:

    When will Jimmy have a show near Fort Campbell KY.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Jimmy plays in Benton KY every year which is close. This year is supposed to be on 8-25-18.

      • Sean Verhoeff says:

        I completely forgot about this comment my apologies. I will be in a feild training for the army in Louisiana at that time. Unfortunately i will not be able to make it

  262. Angelia Smith-Johnson says:

    Really enjoyed your performance at Harding University in Searcy, AR tonight. It was wonderful. I also want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the hug. My husband told you about me being just told I am in remission from Stage IV Lung Cancer. When you heard that you asked if you could give me a hug. That really made my night. I still am taking chemotherapy every 3 weeks but with God being in control I can beat this. I really appreciate it and all you do. God Bless and prayers for safe travels.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      It was a pleasure meeting you and thank you for your compliments on the show. I will pray the the chemo keeps you in remission.

  263. Mary Sorden says:

    Just watched you on the Daily & Vincent show. You are awesome!!

  264. Mary Sorden says:

    Sure would love for you to come out West. There’s no one like Jimmy. Love his music..

  265. Bob says:

    When will you be coming back to New Jersey?

  266. Robert Coleman says:

    Yet another great concert in York, PA. The attendees are truly blessed to be able to his Jimmy’s fantastic voice and get me talk to him one on one from time to time. I still remember you you two had the show in Ocean City at Christmas time and my wife and I would stand ant talk to you two prior to the show in the lobby of that nice little theater. We will again be in Lovingston this year and coming down again to see Jimmy with Vincent and Dailey. We can never get enough of seeing Jimmy. Sorry we did not get a chance to say hi to you Nina in York, PA.

  267. Carol & Len Titus says:

    Dear Nina and Jimmy ~ Len & I were so blessed to spend my birthday, Feb. 24 a couple of years ago with you at the Lost Dutchman. We prebought tickets to see you this past 24th, but tragically lost our son on the 7th of Feb. and were naturally unable to attend. So this coming Feb., 2018 had once again planned to see you in Apache J. but are sad to hear of the loss of the historic Dutchman restaurant. We shall hold tight to our tickets in hope that we will once again be blessed to see you somewhere “down yonder”. When we need solace we listen to Banks of Jordan. It reassures us we will see our son again. Hugs & blessings to you and your crew.
    Carol & Len Titus

    • Nina Fortune says:

      I’m so sorry about your son. The Mingin Camp in Apache Junction will be rebuilding so hopefully we will be back one year and will see you then. Have a great Christmas.

      • Len & Carol Titus says:

        Nina &Jimmy…thank you for your kind words. It has been the kind words, thoughts and prayers from folks such as yourselves, that have carried us thus far along our very sad journey.
        Carol & Len

  268. Tammie Conaway says:

    I really love hearing Jimmy sing.. You can really feel the spirt upon him when he sings.
    Was wondering if he would ever consider coming to Jacksonville Florida, better yet Middleburg just outside of Jacksonvilee.

  269. Robert Maciejewski says:

    I saw Jimmy at Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin, a few weeks ago. His show, and those of his sidekicks, was outstanding. I couldn’t stick around to meet him afterward, but he sure took to the audience well. I will go see him anywhere within reason again. An exceptional man!

  270. John McCaffree says:

    I just recently learned of the news that The Mining Camp restaurant in Apache Junction Arizona suffered a devastating fire on July 25th, 2017 and is beyond repair. We really enjoy seeing Jimmy and his friends at the Mining Camp and have for the last several years. We are wondering if he will be performing at some other place in the Phoenix area this winter as we do not want to miss a chance to see him again. I realize he does not ask to perform but accepts invitations. Please, any information you can impart will be appreciated and we hope something will work out so we may see him perform again in Arizona! Thank You and God Bless Jimmy and his entire family

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Not sure what will happen. They will be rebuilding but don’t know if it will be done in time for Jimmy’s scheduled shows in Feb. They may consider another option, that’s why the shows are still listed on the website schedule. As soon as we know something for sure will will send out emails if you are on the newsletter list.

      • John McCaffree says:

        Yes, I am on your e-mail list and will await your update. Thank you for your reply and any news is appreciated.

  271. Gary B says:

    Is there any chance that Jimmy will appear with Dailey and Vincent for the show next spring in Dublin, VA? We were at the last one they did together there, and I have never seen a more entertaining and inspiring show.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Yes, the show is listed on the tour page for April of 2018.

      • Gary B says:

        Sorry, didn’t notice you had to click at the bottom to see all the dates. Very glad to see that Jimmy will be appearing with D & V once again. Will be looking forward to another great show. Thank you, Nina and Jimmy!

  272. Chris Cole says:

    Hope everything is going great for you guys as my mom and stepfather (front row) plan on attending tonight’s performance Jimmy is doing at the Halifax County Fair. They both enjoy Jimmy’s performances and very much and are looking forward to tonight’s performance.

  273. Belinda Grier says:

    Hi Nina will Jimmy be going back to Shipshawanna in 2018

  274. Jack Moody says:

    Hi Nina, Does Jimmy ever do Gospel music only performances? Thank you for your time…God Bless

  275. Roger Frear says:

    Hi there can you please tell me if jimmy has any
    plans to tour New Zealand

  276. Darlene Campbell says:

    I was at the last three shows Jimmy that you did in Lewisburg, WV. Last night was greatest yet. Going to start traveling to shows. Once a year is not enough. You deserve all the accolades YOUR FANS can give you. I have you in the center of my WALL OF FAME MUSIC ROOM. Your tribute to our wonderful servicemen and women gets me every time. You are truly a great man. My favorites are MY ONLY LOVE, I BELIEVE, and of course A NAME ON A WALL. I cry everytime I hear those. Your writing is so heartfelt and genuine. HOW GREAT THOU ART had me standing and crying till I could walk away. Got the new cd. Love it. Played it on the way home. Keep it up Jimmy and you will be on everyone’s list of greats. The rest of the group was fabulous also. Mr FIDDLE PLAYER was exceptional. Keepers, Jimmy, keepers. Thank you a wonderful evening. See you next time. Nina-you are great!

  277. Adam says:

    I’ve heard that Mr. Fortune is coming to Searcy AR, in 2018. Is this true?

  278. Lynn says:

    yes let get him to Minnesota

  279. Pat says:

    Would love to see Jimmy here in Minnesota. Any future plans for getting up this way? Thanks.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We love coming up there but don’t have anything on the schedule right now. We are still booking 2018 though so maybe!!

  280. Elizabeth Branche says:

    Is the concert in Mcleansboro,Il on the 9th of September at a inside venue and how much are tickets? Thank You.Elizabeth Annette MAYS Branche.

  281. Eddie says:

    Correction – Grande Ole Opry – Radio Station ID is 650 AM WSM – sorry for the confusion.

  282. Eddie says:

    Jimmy will be on Grande Ole Opry on July 14th. You can listen to it online 610 WSM radio. Check the Opry website for the approximate time of Jimmy’s performance. The Opry show starts at 7PM CDT or 8PM EDT. I’m not sure of the times for the MDT or PDT zones. You might want to check out the WSM site – I think you may have to register if it’s your first time.

  283. Cathy Hyde says:

    Nina, good Sunday afternoon to you. I saw Jimmy talking with Bill Gaither on the Gaither channel about Mrs. Grills. The lady that helped Jimmy’s grandfather raise Jimmy’s mother and uncle after his grandmother passed away. Jimmy said that he has been trying to find Mrs. Grills. I was curious to know if Jimmy has been able to locate her or find out about her. It was such a sweet story of and she was such a Blessing that the Lord sent.

  284. John & Becky Tillman says:

    Jimmy is a very deep hearted artist. We hope see him in South Carolina.

  285. Georgette Couvall says:

    Jimmy Fortune will be in concert
    in Wisconsin in September. Here
    is the information:

  286. Peggy Kidd says:

    Date & cost of Jimmy Fortune Concert in March 2018 at Nelson County High School, Lovingston, VA

    • Nina Fortune says:

      The date is 3-24-18. The school sells the tickets and I don’t think they have them on sale yet. They will set up a website to sell the tickets.

  287. Virginia Navarrete says:

    Does Jimmy ever come to Texas? Dallas/Ft.Worth, Midland, TX… I’ve always loved the Statler Brothers, and he just made them that much more special. Thank you! God’s many blessings to you all!

    • Nina Fortune says:

      He was just in Arlington and Corsicana on April 8th and 9th. I’m sure he will be back next year.

  288. Dennis Campbell says:

    Rocky Mount, Virginia. Great lyrics, perfectly matched to the music, flawlessly performed. No wonder your songs touch so many people. Thank you for your kind words about my mother, Helen. Praying for Nina and her friend.

  289. Marilyn Embrey says:

    What another fantastic show at Nelson County High School-VA on Saturday evening. Jimmy is so blessed with a gift of a voice that he shares & inspires all who hear & enjoy. We are so proud of our hometown star & may God continue to bless your career and your family.

  290. Dallas Hetletved says:

    Any plans to do another quartet concert with Dailey & Vincent. We have been to two of them – Greeneville TN & Wilkesboro NC. They were incredible shows!

    • Robert Coleman says:

      They also did one in Dublin, VA and it was wonderful and yes I agree they need to do more of these showns

  291. Pat Smith says:

    Hi Nina & Jimmy –
    We talked to you both after Jimmy’s concert at the Mining Camp in Apache Junction AZ a few weeks ago. You gave us a brochure on the Alaska cruise and it convinced us to stop putting-off a trip to Alaska we’ve planned to do someday. So “someday” is this July – we’re coming along! Any tips regarding “formal nights” on the ship? In AZ & WV we define formal a little differently than most.
    Do you think Jimmy might sing “The Great Pretender” for my husband Brian as a way of thanking him for saying YES to the Alaska adventure? Thanks for continuing to bring great music and good Christian values into people’s lives.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Hey there!! Formal nights can be anything from the best dress you can find to something you would wear to church. You will see it all. We’re so glad you are going. If you have other questions email me at or Deb Dodd. Please remind me of the song request when we get on the ship.

  292. Jeff Leake says:

    Me and my wife just purchased our tickets for the upcoming orange blossom Opry show in June! Thanks for continuing to come back to this fantastic venue. Looking so forward to seeing another wonderful show!

  293. Carol Graybeal says:

    I just learned of Jimmy a few months ago when a close friend introduced me to his song, “My Only Love”. I fell in love with his music and great voice. I checked his website and lo and behold he appeared at Happy Trails, in
    Surprise, Arizona. I didn’t even like country music, I so enjoyed him and his different types. Hope he will back in
    Arizona soon. He is truly an awesome performer and person.

  294. Ron Boyd says:

    My wife and i was at the miners camp in Apache Junction,Arizona on Saturday night for his dinner show.He can still hit those notes we really enjoyed ourselves and can’t wait until next year to see him again.

  295. Christine says:

    Hurry back to Newberry. My husband and I nagged the Opera House folks to ask you to come. And I am so glad we did. Because you came! The concert was fantastic!

  296. Ann marie says:

    Ireland loves Jimmy fortune 🙂
    My mum and I are huge fans

  297. luckyoldsun says:

    When’s the last time Jimmy performed in New York City?
    Any chance he’ll be here–or Long Island, Westchester, NJ, or CT? I know it’s expensive to come to NYC, but maybe on a multi-artist production?

  298. Gary Boothe says:

    I saw Jimmy with Dailey and Vincent 2 years ago in Dublin, VA. It was one of the most enjoyable shows I have ever seen. When I saw Dailey and Vincent last year there, they said they were planning on doing shows with Jimmy again in 2017, including Dublin. I have checked the schedules and do not see Jimmy appearing with them at their scheduled appearance in April. Any chance this might still happen. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks.

  299. Jearl Dillon says:

    Thanks for all the hard work and dedication

  300. Mike Mast says:

    I will be attending the 2:00 show on New Year’s Eve at shipshewana in. Could jimmy please Sing “I Believe”? It is a wonderful song!

  301. Robert Dodson says:

    Will Jimmy be coming back to Scottsburg IN in 2017?

  302. Bill Adams says:

    I saw Jimmy at a show he did for a veterans organization last November in Columbia SC. What a fantastic show that was and as a bonus, I got to spend some time with him over a two day period. I’ll never forget that wonderful experience. I already have tickets for his upcoming show January 15 in Newberry, SC. Several people I know in Columbia are driving up for it. Can’t wait!

  303. Last time I saw Jimmy was so wonderful. He was here in Nashville doing the midnight jamboree. I sat diagonal second row for a time because front and center seats said reserved. Well about 2 songs into the show, I realized no one was sitting there. I had just gotten my new Jimmy shirt and wearing my custom made Statler jacket, and I decided I was moving to the from row, because you could tell who the true Fortune fanatic was in this audience. I got up and in my attempt to be inconspicuous, I dropped everything I was carrying and tripped and fell on the way to the front row. Well, the show was awesome as always, and I said hi to Jimmy after the show, It was so awesome that he remembered me from last time. I guess it was because, the exact same thing happed to me when I met Jimmy at the country music hall of fame, where Jimmy said he would from then on be referred to as Jimmy the hall of fame and fortune, and of course rightfully so. Jimmy is such a special guy and he means the world to me. It means everything to me that he carries on the Statler legacy still. Jimmy is da man!

  304. Dallas Hetletved says:

    Any plans for Jimmy to do a quartet concert with Dailey & Vincent like the one in Wilkesboro, NC last spring?

  305. Linda Dunnivan says:

    Jimmy is an amazing singer and song writer, really enjoyed his show at Denton, NC this past Sat.night. When he sings “I Believe” I feel the joy of our Lord in my soul.

  306. Eddie says:

    If you’re in Nashville, TN on 9/29/16, Jimmy will be appearing on the Opry Country Classics Show at the Ryman. The show is at 7PM CST. If you’re in another part of the country, the “Classics” shows are on WSM Online. The shows are broadcast live (7PM CST, 8PM EST,and you can check for the other time zones in case of time delays. If you’ve never listened to WSM, you will have to do a quick member sign-up (no cost), so you might want to get an early start on that.

  307. David Ransom says:

    Will Jimmy be doing another Alaska cruise?

  308. Dan Knowlton says:

    Saw the show last night in our little town of Paden City, WV. As usual it was just electrifying. Once again, I have heard so many good things about the show. This was the 3rd year in a row that Jimmy appeared at our little Labor Day Celebration. Wish “youins” could be here every year as the main entertainment. The young couple that was singing backup and playing instruments were also fantastic. Thanks for putting on a fabulous show once again. The Veterans salute is wonderful. Someday, I shall listen to “The Wall” and not be sobbing through it. I lied, ’cause that will never happen.

    • Eddie says:

      Darin and Brooke Aldridge are the young couple that have done back up vocals for Jimmy. My brother and I saw them with Jimmy in New Holland, PA in June. We both agreed how great their harmonies were throughout the show with Jimmy. He also had them do a few songs of their own. If you google their names, you’ll see a photo of them with Jimmy.

  309. Several of my family and Is enjoyed Jimmy’s show at the WV State fair last year and again this year.Sure hope he comes back next year.Not only is he a fantastic singer ,but I love that he shows that God is such a great part of his life.I also love his super kindness to all his fans.

  310. Vanessa Smith says:

    I really enjoyed seeing Jimmy play at the WV state fair for the past 2 years. Hoping to see him there again next year. I think he shoud be on main stage! I also enjoy the musicians he brings with him. Great of him to showcase other talented musicians Love the singer that he had with him singing the high harmonies! Hope it is ok if i share some pictures that i took at his show on Facebook to let people know that if they see he is going to be playing in their area they ought to go see him!

  311. Lorraine Boyden says:

    I talked to Jimmy in New Holland PA. Could you do cheaper cruise? Also could you guys come to New England. I love to hear and see Jimmy sing. In New Holland it was great to see him have so much fun singing. I miss seeing you too.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      The Alaskan one is always a little higher and the one we are doing in January of next year is already sold out. Not sure which one will do in 2018 yet.

  312. Joe Clark says:

    Miss Nina

    We spoke by phone
    Any chance of Jimmy coming back to Wisconsin?
    Caught him in Prairie during sacrifice and it was phenomenal!

  313. Hi Nina. I’m Georgette Couvall and I’m one of Dr. Kenneth E. Salyer’s ( patients. I met Jimmy at the River Arts Center in Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin on Saturday, April 30, 2016 for the World Craniofacial Foundation 2016 Jimmy Fortune Benefit Concert.

    Will he be coming back to Wisconsin again? Or Illinois?


    • Nina Fortune says:

      We are planning on coming back to do the same show late next year.

      • Hi Nina! It’s nice to hear from you again! Thank you so much for getting back to me so soon!

        Do you know the date of this show for next year? Also, is it for the World Craniofacial Foundation ( again?

        Same place? Two shows? Same times?

        If you can let me know, that would be great!

        Again, thank you so much!

  314. Melvin Wood ( Woody) says:

    Hi Nina I am what you would call a blast from the past. Let Jimmy know I am very happy he stayed out there and kept on making music. When the Statlers retired I would have been happy to stay on the road with him as I always thought he was a special kind of artist. That night in Salem was a bitter sweet event for me.Tell him Woody says high and stay out there and never stop.

  315. Diane Preisen says:

    Saw Jimmy last night at Stages Theatre in Hopkins Mn. It was such a wonderful concert. We have loved his music for years, so to see him in person singing and later meeting him was Awesome!

  316. Gilbert Costs says:

    Hi Nina, I am from New Bedford,MA . We saw Jimmy at a church in Raynham, MA a few years back. My wife is a big Statler Brothers fan, me myself am a Beatlemaniac, no offense Jimmy lol. I am also a local musician as well. Anyway, please tell Jimmy that Jeanie Alabama says hello and hopes that you guys will get up this way again one day!!! By the way, though I am a Beatlemaniac I did enjoy Jimmys performance up here in Raynham, MA. Also, please tell Jimmy that i enjoy his music and my personal favorite is More Than A Name On A Wall. Beautiful song, wish I had wrote it lol

  317. Waren Fuller says:

    Is Jimmy going to be in York, Pa. in December? TPC Banquet Center is not showing that date.

    • Eddie says:

      The TPC date is correct (12-3-16). Try to Google “TPC (The Praise Center)and select the link for “Michaels Productions” for Jimmy’s appearance with Jeannie Seely. The link shows the 2016 shows which includes Jimmy’s.

  318. Kelly Toe says:

    We need to see you here

  319. gail sharpe says:

    is there any plans to get to seattle or a close city to that,,,we are sure you have a ton of fans who would love to see and here jimmy in concert!!!!

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Afraid not. We will be in Seattle visiting next month for a few days because we love it there so much.

  320. Waren Fuller says:

    I have to say this as I come back on. I do not know Jimmy Fortune so this is not an advertisement. H has to be one of the most puriest singers. If you watch him with the Statlers and go to You T:ube Great Pretender the statlers brothers the quality of his voice is second to no other. I mean that.

  321. Greg Chapman says:

    Nina, thanks you and Jimmy for putting up with my girls at the George Jones Museum Friday. (Sarah and Erin) Tell Jimmy Erin came home on cloud nine. She’s telling everyone how Jimmy dedicated “Elizabeth” to her. How great is it to touch the young generation like that? That’s when you know you’re the real deal Jimmy Fortune. God speed ahead. (Mike and John were great too!) P.S. Bringing some fans to Denton. Looking forward to it.

  322. Waren Fuller says:

    Traveled from Long Island to see the New Holland, Pa. show on June 4. Great show. Wish he could make it to Long Island. I am planning on going to the York, Pa. show.

  323. Eddie says:

    Saw Jimmy’s New Holland PA show on 6/4/16. He had Darin and Brooke Aldredge on back-up vocals and playing guitar and mandolins. I’ve seen a lot of Jimmy shows – but he took it to new heights with a 2 hour performance. Check the tour schedule above and go see him – super performance and best show I’ve seen.

  324. Andrew & Lana Glasco says:

    My wife and I were able to see Jimmy with Dailey and Vincent in Wilkes NC May 21st and it was a great concert. The songs that Jimmy writes are so inspirational. Nina hopefully you and Jimmy can come back soon.

  325. Eddie says:

    Jimmy will be on on Thursday, June 9th, at 3 PM (CDT).

  326. Doris Rodgers says:

    Nina, thank you so much for asking for”The far side Banks of Jodan” to be added to the play list, in Branson, meant more than I can say. Much success to both of you.Thanks again.

  327. Dot Gloyd says:

    Eddie, Hope to see you at Yoder’s on June 4th!!
    Dot & Bob

    • Eddie says:


      See my post above about the Yoder’s concert.


      • Eddie says:

        Dot, I just saw your earlier note to Riley & Maggie. FYI, Riley & Maggie had to change their plans after buying their tickets. They were kind enough to offer their tickets to me.


  328. Eddie says:

    You can catch Jimmy on Opry Country Classics on WSM Online on May 5th, Thursday,7PM CST (8PM EST).

  329. Darrin and Vicki Franke says:

    My wife and I saw your show in Prairie du Sac last Saturday. Just wanted to give you a big thank you for sharing your talents and your witness for the Lord. You did a wonderful job and we pray for continued success and blessings in your lives. Great to see you both and again, thank you!

    Darrin and Vicki

  330. Wanda says:

    Does jimmy ever come to Mississippi

  331. Jeff says:

    My wife and myself got to see Jimmy perform at the Orange Blossom Opry in Weirsdale FL. Thank you Jimmy and Nina for coming to Florida. We thoroughly enjoyed the show and we’re very pleased to meet the both of you. What a great venue to showcase your talent! And we appreciate you bringing Darin and Brooke Aldridge with you along with John Meyer! We are so blessed with your performance and you take the time to showcase such great up and coming talent! God Bless and we hope to see you again next year. Jeff and Jody.

  332. Pat & Madge Healy says:

    And for anyone who hasn’t ever heard Jimmy sing before, you’re missing the BEST tenor singer EVER!
    And his talent and ability for songwriting is absolutely amazing!
    You won’t be disappointed! Get to a concert of his and you’ll become a fan of his singing instantly like so many others of us!
    We love you, Jimmy! Hugs!

  333. Pat & Madge Healy says:

    Hi Nina and Jimmy!
    Pat and Madge Healy from Stafford, Virginia saying hello! 🙂
    We sure miss you both and we hope to make a concert of Jimmy’s real soon now!
    Pat is off from teaching college this summer, so perhaps we’ll be able to do so! We’re hoping!
    We’ll be saying prayers for you both in your many travels! Please say hi to Billy James for us! Big hug to you and to Jimmy and we love you both so much!

  334. Art winterfeld says:

    Just saw Jimmy in Weirsdale fl , we are avid fans and love all his music . He took his time with us , had a pic taken , he is absolutely wonderful and his songs have true inspirational meanings , hoping to see him again when we visit PA . Thank you Jimmy for such a wonderful concert. Pam and Art

  335. Jim Saunders says:

    This may sound like a silly question but my wife and I are going to the June 4 event at Yoder’s in New Holland Pa and since this is our first ever we were wondering what is appropriate dress as this is a dinner event. Thanks in advance.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      You would probably wear whatever you would wear if you were seeing Jimmy in a theater, casual.

      • Eddie says:

        My brother and I will also be going to the New Holland PA show at Yoder’s restaurant. As Nina said, dress is casual. If you look at the seating diagram, the tables use face to face seating that hold 26 seats per table. I gather the table set-up is used for dinner and show as the tables are positioned in front of the stage.

        • Dot Gloyd says:

          Yes, Eddie, you are right about the tables. Bob and I will be at Yoder’s too. Hope to get to see you!! We have been there a couple times for the Daily & Vincent show. Look forward to seeing Jimmy and, hopefully, Nina too!!

          • Eddie says:

            Hey Dot & Bob,

            Looking forward to seeing you both again. My brother, Jim, will be joining me. This is our first time at Yoder’s. We’ll be at Table 8.

  336. Robin says:

    Jimmy put on an awesome show today at The Orange Blossom Opry in Weirsdale, FL. I still tear up when he sings Elizabeth and My Only Love. It’s been so long since we’ve seen him. Last time was in Buena Vista, VA at the Nothin Fancy Festival and my hubby felt so special cause Jimmy sang a song just for him while he was practicing, it was the Harrisonburg commercial “come on down and get yourself a car”. Hope he comes back next year we will definitely see him again.

  337. Connie Bazzle says:

    The closest city that I live near is in between Jacksonville and St Augustine Florida, the only fair that I am some what close to is Jacksonville and St Augustine Florida areas. Will Jimmy be arriving at either one of these cities?

  338. Perry and Patsy Carlisle says:

    For 8/16/2016 you have 2 shows in two different locations.

  339. Doris Rodgers says:

    Will he be singing “The Far Side Banks of Jordan” on the May 3ed show in Branson,we are driving from Housto to see him sing (that song)love that cd. Thanks

  340. Bill says:

    We al ready bought our tickets for branson 10/24/16 and 10/25/16
    But I don’t see it on the schedule

  341. Fred skeen says:

    I was at the April 3 rd show in Elkins WV. It was a GREAT show
    I tried to get my CD autographed during intermission, but I blocked for you to
    Go back stage for a break before your second half.
    Maybe when your in this area i.e. Charleston I will come and get it signed.

    It was a GREAT SHOW

    You should hire a guard to protect you from all the blue hair ladies . Lol

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Jimmy stayed and signed CDs for more than an hour after the show. Bring it next time and he’ll sign it for you. Thanks for coming!!

  342. Robin Heuver says:

    I’d love to see you in concert. I’m from Sheboygan Wisconsin

  343. gary says:

    me and my wife went to show at NCHS on the 19th, jimmy did a fantastic job as always,his music and singing really touched us, we bought a hits and hymn cd and and he autographed it for my wife, i just love the I Believe song, the students performance at the beginning of the show was great, also the musicians,and the woman singer was great , thank all of you, and the school for such a wonderful unforgetable night.

  344. Brenda L Pattengale says:

    Just wanted to let you know I got the cd I wanted. It is great. I would like one of these days to see you in concert but I am taking care of my mother in law and I just lost my husband to cancer Feb 2 2016. He was only 64. That is young.

  345. Fred Rorex says:

    I am really disappointed not to see any Texas dates. I missed out seeing The Statler Brothers and any of their shows and now I feel left out not seeing Jimmy. Please do some central Texas tours. Thanks

  346. Josie Evans says:

    Are there any plans for Jimmy to come to the West Virginia State Fair this year ?

  347. Linda Booth says:

    Listening to my iPod and heard a John Denver song right after a Jimmy Fortune song. They are both in my all time favorite top 10 singers and I was wondering if I might be so bold as to suggest maybe one of those duets like Hank Jr. did with a recording of Hank Sr.?

  348. Chuck Bradshaw says:

    I had the opportunity to see Jimmy in Phoenix, AZ on the 11th which was his birthday. We had a fabulous time. Before the show started, he indulged myself, my brother, and my two sons to sing a rendition of Happy Birthday which was totally awesome. Thank you Jimmy for sharing your talent. I look forward to our meeting again. God Bless you.

  349. Tracey says:

    Is Jimmy playing in Louisa, Va this year

  350. Puddle kuehne says:

    Are you still doing the show on December 3 2016 at the Praise Center in York Pa.? Hope to see you there.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Yes, will get this up on the schedule soon, along with some other shows.

    • Robert Coleman says:

      I am glad it got on I had purchased my tickets months ago and asked the same question as to why it was not on the schedule

  351. Nell Shelton says:

    I would like information about the show in Monticello, AR I don>t see it on the scheduld

  352. We love to hear jimmy sing. We got tickets to his Nelson county high school show. Please asked him to sing how great thou art. Thanks for letting me know where to get tickets. Gloria fulcher

  353. Terry curry says:

    Any chance of any tours in United Kingdom

  354. Myra Crawford says:

    Does Jimmy have any plans to come to Columbia, SC anytime in 2016?

  355. Lorraine Boyden says:

    I would like Jimmy to do a concert in Conway for 250 anniversary of my town. Who do I call to get information on these? Also I’m looking forward to see you Nina on the Dailey and Vincent. Can’t wait see you guys again.

  356. Mark Graham says:

    Wondering if Jimmy might consider coming back to Southern Ontario, Canada to play in 2016. Just bought his Hits and Hymns on CD and DVD at my local Bible Bookstore and enjoyed it immensely. Have all his other CD’s as well. Thanks and wishing you continued success. God Bless.

  357. Riley & Maggie says:

    Just got tickets ordered for June 4,at NewHolland PA. We really need a “Jimmy fix”.


  358. Bonnie Slykhuis says:

    Would love it if you got somewhere close to Iowa.

  359. Robert says:

    Any chance Jimmy will play in Oklahoma in 2016, would love to hear Elizabeth live, Robert, Tulsa

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Not sure, I know he will probably be in Texas and Kansas again.

      • Robert says:

        Thanks for your reply, we will have to travel to Tx or Kansas to see him, my favorite group The Beach Boys whom we are lucky enough to still see in concert, to me are the greatest singers in rock and roll, but I don’t think I have ever heard a voice like Jimmy’s, looking forward to seeing him someday!

  360. Corle Kyle says:

    Do you know if Sydni Perry will be with Jimmy at Florida state fair or the Dailey and Vincent Landfest Big fans of both. Thanks

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Sydni will be on the Carrie Underwood tour until mid summer so she will not be with Jimmy in Feb. As for the Landfest, it depends on her schedule with Carrie.

  361. Dennis says:

    Love his music and would love to see one of his shows. Hope we can make the Arizona show in March as the California show is a private one.

  362. Dennis says:

    Will Jimmy be in Oregon or Washington at a later date?

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We have some in AZ and CA in March but right now we don’t have plans on getting up there. We absolutely love it there though!

  363. Mary says:

    Sooo very excited & happy to know Jimmy is coming to Federalsburg, MD in November 2016 and Rhonda Vincent coming back for 16th time! Have wanted attend one of Jimmy’s concerts for long time and really looking forward to this one. Would buy tickets today if they were available!! Welcome to the Eastern Shore of Maryland!!

  364. Robert Coleman says:

    I have tickets to Jimmy’s concert at the Praise Center in York PA for next December but do not see it on the schedule yet. Just wondering?

  365. bill says:

    when will you guys be back in branson we loved his show

  366. Dennis Campbell says:

    My mother is looking forward to seeing you in Amherst. She remembers you fondly from when my father was pastor of Ridgecrest Baptist Church. It will be a real treat for her to see you again.

  367. Married Vietnam Vets says:

    We saw you folks in the Tri-cities in Washington State.

    It was funny, moving, and…. emotional.

    As it was the first time my brother and I along
    with my husband went forward to be thanked for serving
    our Country. My brother had never stepped forward.

    My husband and I are 100% disabled, my brother and one
    Other will never be the same.

    Thank you for recognizing every person whose ever served.

    We also remember those who gave the greatest sacrifice,
    their lives, and families who serve too.

    We won’t forget being at that event, for many reasons.

    God Bless All who love Him, and protect the innocents in
    this world. Thanks to those who willingly give up their
    lives to serve.

    Wish you’d make another trip to the Tri-City WA area.

    But, glad you did.

    Bless your precious hearts!

  368. Richard Tompkins says:

    I have been a fan of the Statler Brothers since they first began. Even though Jimmy became a member later, he fit so well and his voice and music contributions was awesome. I served in the U.S. Marines and went to Vietnam so the song “More Than a Name on the Wall” really hit home for me. I hope Jimmy understands how much that song has meant to so many of us. I hope someday to be able to see him in concert, I enjoyed the concerts performed by the Statler Brothers. I work around Indianapolis, IN. so maybe he will be in this area sometime. I want to get his new album “Hits and Hymns” (I hope that is correct), I saw the program with Mr. Gaither and Jimmy and loved the music. Thanks Jimmy, God Bless

  369. Allen says:

    Does Jimmy have any concert dates in 2016 in Alabama, South Georgia, or the Florida Panhandle?

    Thank you.

  370. Tom says:

    Come to Omaha,NE some time. It’s not that bad. We’re in the center of the country and people will come from everywhere.

  371. Robert Coleman says:

    Just got my tickets to the December 3, 2016 show in York, PA. So excited to be in the first row of tables for this. It will be like the old days when you used to be at the OC Jamboree that time of year. Cannot wait but we will see you in Lovingston (3/19)before that. That weekend we will be celebrating out 35 anniversary with you as we were married on 3/14. As always love to see you both.

  372. Brad Tyler says:

    I just wanted to post a comment for all of Jimmy’s fan to share my experience. I moved in across the street from Jimmy and Nina about 7 years ago. He was one of the first neighbors I met when I moved in. Jimmy is the real deal!! The phrase, What you see is what you get couldn’t be more true. We have become great friends and he is one of the few people in this world I could count on if I really needed something. I’m so proud to know him and to see his music taking off like it is. There is not a more deserving person in music. God bless.

  373. Mary danison says:

    Hi, my husband and I first saw jimmy at the Ryland Theatre for our 35 anniversary! What a treat! Have been looking to see if he will be performing on a cruise in 2016. I would love to celebrate my 70th birthday on a cruise with Jimmy.

  374. Lori Carver says:

    My husband & I drove from Ft Worth to see Jimmy last night in New Boston. We were again in awe of his performance and so pleased we got to see him in person. There is no one else out there with his unique , beautiful voice and the 2 young musicians with him last night were also awesome. God bless Jimmy and his family while he travels this wonderful & blessed country. Jimmy’s music & words are healthy,loving reminders of just how blessed we are to be Americans. Thank you Fortune family for sharing the gift that God has given Jimmy. Oh, and that book you might write someday….CAN’T


    We will be in Branson for the Larry’s Country Diner Show
    featuring Jimmy on May 3, 2016. We saw Jimmy perform “If” on the Love Song special. His rendition is the most moving that we have heard. It brought tears to our eyes. Is there a chance that Jimmy could perform this song at the May 3 show? Peace and love to you both.

  376. william t says:

    Hi nina, great show in branson, i was the guy who asked you about the mugs, you said you would check and see what you have

  377. Robert Coleman says:

    Another great show by Jimmy in York, PA on October 24th. As I told him that night, his voice just seems to get better and better. I am sure he knows by the ovations he gets that the people in our area really love him and his music. Cannot wait till we see him again. We are coming down to Lovingston in March and then we will be at his show in York, PA in December of 2016. Wish we could see him more but we try as much as we can. Glad to see he will be doing a Christmas show in York as we really miss seeing him in OC.

  378. patricia hanshaw says:

    We got to meet you at the bluegrass festival in Summersville WV. It was total awesome. Getting to talk with you was great and hoping to see you there again soon. God Bless you and your family.

  379. william t says:

    will jimmy be signing autographs in branson this Monday and tuesday

  380. June Sunde says:

    I just looked at your schedule and you are coming to the Mining Camp Restaurant in Apache Junction, AZ. This is great news. We have taken several groups of people to see you the last two times you were here. We have two couples that really love your music and I know they would love to come. They loved the Statlers and enjoyed your music when you to over from Lew. It will be go good to see you again. I can listen to your music and peace just fills my heart. God chose the right person to include you in with the Statlers and it flows both ways. We feel your music when you sing. If I can afford the tickets, I want to bring them to see you. They love your music almost as much as I do! I got laid off from my job last week but I am going to pray about this and if it’s meant to be there, I certainly will be there. We pray for you and Nina on the road so much. I am glad she travels with you. Your testimony blesses everyone in the crowd. I am so glad I am a child of God. I don’t know how people cope with their problems if God is not foremost in their heart. Thank you so much for coming out our way.

    We love you both.

    Len and June Sunde
    Apache Junction, AZ 85119

  381. Al Borowski says:

    Were the red, white, and blue microphones Dailey and Vicent used on their show when Jimmy appeared the actual Statler Bothers microphones or ones made to look like them?

  382. Gwen Maxwell says:

    Our granddaughter gave us tickets to see Jimmy Fortune and Norman Blake at the Northeast Alabama Community College in Rainsville, AL. To say we enjoyed it is an understatement. All of our children and grandchildren have been raised on “Statler” music. All still talking about the show and how we enjoyed hearing Jimmy tell what prompted him to write the meaningful songs he sings.

    This is the main reason I am writing such a long comment. My granddaughter has a venue called “Meeks Grain and Gin” on face book and website. She has made the old family gin into a great gathering place in the small town of Pisgah, AL. Last year she planned a Fall Festival to raise money for a lady (wife and mother of 3 small children) with breast cancer. We raised $5000 to help her with medical expenses. After much thought, she is using this years festival to help Local Community Food Banks and Snack Packs for Kids that need food to get them through the weekends. As she started planning this, it was put on my heart to suggest that she feature the needs of Veterans for 2016. She looked surprised and said, I had thought of doing something in my grandfather’s memory. Eugene Mitchell is one of the many names upon The Wall. I felt the Lord led me to ask if it might become a reality for Jimmy to perform at the 3rd Festival on October 22, 2016. How much would it cost? What would we need to do? Would we need to sell tickets to his portion of the program? It is a free event with donations making much of this possible. This years event is October 17, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The turn out last year was amazing and all the vendors spots have been filled and more still asking to come. Please let me know if you think this might be possible. The Gin is about 2 or 2 1/2 hour drive from Nashville. It was such a pleasure to meet all of you and the two talented back ups. At last my list was complete with autographs…I had the Statlers from their last concert in Chattanooga before Lew had to leave. Now I have Jimmy’s!
    Thank you for your time and consideration. If you would like to contact my grand daughter, her name is Whitney Meeks, cell number is 256-605-9004. My name is Gwen Maxwell,

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Thank you for thinking of Jimmy. He is already booked that weekend in Pigeon Forge, TN. For further bookings you should contact Jimmy’s booking agent that is listed on the contact section of the website. Thanks!!

  383. mary brewer says:

    what a wonderful show in Greensburg,Pa. Oct 4th, after the show, we got to meet Jimmy, he signed his new cd for me and had his picture taken with me.what a wonderful couple you two are. also thank you for the prayers for our nephew Christian, 11 yrs. old who had open heart surgery Oct 5th. Surgery went well and he came home yesterday the 8th. thank you for all the music. Love ,mary

  384. Al Borowski says:

    Jimmy was awesome as expected in Greensburg. My 22 year old granddaughter loved the show, at least his portion.

    I guess Country Music Hall of Fame as a solo act is next.

    Do you have Square whipped back in shape. 666

    • Nina Fortune says:

      I remember you by your card code!! lol THanks for coming to the show and yes, Square is all good now.

  385. Jimm Grimm says:

    Hi Nina,
    Jimmy was awesome in Renfro Valley last Friday. I was traveling with a friend who was not familiar with his music, but is now a fan. While I watched almost every Statler Brothers TV show, this was my first time to see Jimmy live. I had no idea that one guitar could produce so much beautiful sound. I was especially awed the way he gave two young upcoming stars a venue, even playing backup guitar on their duet. He is quite a man.

  386. Plese Brock says:

    We saw him in Renfro Valley Ky my wife and i love his singing when is he coming back to Renfro Valley Ky tell Jimmy we will be going to Dollywood to see him on tthe 10th 30 tell him to say hi to me and my wife greatlr appreciate it

  387. Ron Gordon Sr says:

    Nina, is there anytime next year when Jimmy will be close to Rockford, I’ll. I have been a fan since the Statlers started and even more when they brought Jimmy on board. He does a great job. Thanks and God Bless!

  388. William T. says:

    how do we get a autographed picture of jimmy

    • Ed Rufo says:

      William – you can get a picture or CDs/DVDs if you go to the Branson show from Nina. If you want them right away, click on the “Shop” link on this website – it will have what you are looking for. Just page up on here for the link.


  389. William T. says:

    My wife and me love to hear jimmy,
    we are going to try and go to branson oct 26 and 27th
    would love to see you guys in oklahoma

  390. Robert Coleman says:

    So happy to see you have booked Lovingston, VA again for 2016. That will be right after our 35th Anniversary which is on the 14th of March. We will be making the trek down from Pennsylvania for sure as last year was an amazing time. We will see you and Jimmy in York, Pa this October too. GREAT NEWS about Lovingston.

  391. Dennis Campbell says:

    I’m a big fan, and the son of another big fan, Pastor Bob Campbell. I hope to see the show in Amherst, Virginia.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      So good to hear from you!!!!

      • Dennis Campbell says:

        Received tickets for the Amherst show today. My parents have fond memories of you from when my father was pastor of Ridgecrest Baptist Church. Dad has passed into Heaven, but Mom is well and will be at the show with me. She is really looking forward to it.

        Grace and peace to you both,
        Dennis Campbell

  392. Chris Scheer says:

    My kids and I REALLY enjoyed the show at Mt Pleasant Thursday, Nina! It was great to see and talk to you both afterwards! Thank you so much for taking the time to spend with us. I don’t think you have an idea what that means to a fan of ‘The Brothers’ for almost 40 years, and a group of kids that have loved Jimmy their whole lives. We do have our tickets for Oelwein on the 12th, so we will see you there again!….and my wife can actually make it this time!! LOL
    Safe travels! Take care and God bless!

  393. Bill Adams says:

    Nina, my wife and I were grateful to see Jimmy perform in Franklin, KY last Fall and were thoroughly blown away. I have never heard better harmony than with Jimmy and Sydni Perry. We are from Columbia, SC and would love to have him do a show nearby.

  394. Jim & Kally Reynolds says:

    We sure are hoping you’ll be returning to the Historic Mining Camp Restaurant again this winter/spring. Haven’t seen it posted yet. Fingers crossed with a prayer or two. If so, we’ll be bringing a bunch of people again!

  395. Ed Rufo says:

    Nina, Just saw the upcoming release date on “Hits & Hymns”. The song list looks super. Can’t wait to hear it and see the DVD with Bill Gaither. …………….Eddie

  396. Dennis Shifflett says:

    Do you know when the tickets for the Nelson County High School concert scheduled for March 19, 2016 will go on sale. We really enjoyed the last show at Nelson and look forward to this one!

    Thank you,


  397. Karen Owens Lacks says:

    I was just pulling up the YouTube music video “My Only Love” for me my husband to commemorate our 30th wedding anniversary tomorrow, August 17th. “My Only Love” was sung at our wedding by friends, making our day most special, & through the years on our anniversaries we have often wondered what it might have been like to see Jimmy Fortune actually perform it in person….so you can only imagine our surprise to find that Jimmy Fortune is performing on our actual anniversary tomorrow August 17th at 3:30pm at the Lewisburg WV State Fair!!! However, that is less than 20 hrs away, & we live in Oneonta AL!!! Where there is a will, there is always a way…..maybe we’ll see you there! (& if not , we’ll be there in our hearts!) May God continue to bless you & your’s! Chuck & Karen Lacks

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Jimmy will be in Rainsville, AL the last Saturday of this month. That should be a little closer to you.

      • Karen Owens Lacks says:

        We have our tickets & look forward to seeing you at Music On The Mountain at Rainsville . May I request that “My Only Love ” be sung ?

  398. Kerry Straughn says:

    One of the best concerts we have EVER been to was the Dublin VA show last year with Dailey and Vincent. The Holy Spirit was moving through that place like I haven’t felt in a long time. Is there any plan to do another show like that with Dailey and Vincent anytime soon?

  399. Jimmy, I saw you in Sun City, AZ and truly loved your show. You and my late husband could have been brothers…..after the show I asked to stand beside you to see if you matched my husband’s height and did…what a thrill! I hope your busy tour schedule will bring you to the Sun City, AZ area again soon.
    God Bless you and your family.
    Shirley Temple, Surprise, AZ

    • Nina Fortune says:

      I know we will be in Apache Junction next March. That may be the closest we get to Sun City in the near future.

  400. HI! I see you have a show in Branson on Oct 26-27th. Is that a BootDaddy concert? We went to Branson to see Jimmy in 2012 and he just blew us away! What an amazing talent…and such a nice man! We loved him so much that the following June we drove to Pigeon Forge to see him! Have also been to Hutchinson, KS and Louisburg, KS to see his shows. Will hopefully be able to get to Branson for our 50th anniversary in Oct…would love it if he could do You and Your Sweet Love…:) I keep playing the youtube video of that…EVERY day!

    • Nina Fortune says:

      It is a Boot Daddy concert. We sure do hope to see you there!! If you can email about a week before the show to let me know you will be there and that you want that song I will get it on the set list.


  401. mary cluley says:

    Jimmy, we saw you in Abilene, TX this past spring. When are you comoing back this way? We live in Wichita Falls, TX. You are our favorite singer!

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Not sure when Jimmy will be back in Abilene but he has a show in New Boston coming soon. Not sure how long this is from where you live.

  402. S says:

    You need to look up a place in Winchester, OH. It is on line. Be the perfect place for you to play. Good venue with great sound. Please see about poreforming there in 2016.

    Red Barn Convention Center
    Winchester, OH

    They have a lot of concerts that are greatly attended. Seating is great and they also have a meal if you want it. Some people who have or are playing there: John Conley, John Thomas Conley, Mo Bandy, Restless Heart, and the Van-Dells, plus many more.

    We would love to come see you there!!! The owners have fashioned the center after the Red Barn in Renfro Valley.

  403. Ginny Randolph says:

    I forgot to mention that MY ONLY LOVE was sang at my daughter’s wedding. Sure been awesome for Jimmy to be there and sing it! By the way, I live in Kinmundy, Illinois – population 800!

  404. Myrene Reddick says:

    Love Jimmy’s voice! One of my all time favorites is Be With Me
    but a few of the words are not clear. Is it possible to get the lyrics?

  405. Ginny Randolph says:

    I have been following the Statler Brothers since I was newly married in 1971. We traveled all over the state of IL to see them, and a few times saw them in MO and IN. I am glad I have Lew’s autograph. So sorry he passed, but we love Jimmy! He was at the Effingham Performance Center in Effingham, IL nearly 10 yrs ago. My daughter & son in law were eating at Cracker Barrell in Mt. Vernon, IL the evening before and sat by him. She told him he looked alot like Jimmy Fortune. In a few minutes he gave her autographed guitar pics and invited her to the concert the next evening. She was so surprised to be eating right by him. He is so precious and we know he loves God – that means alot!

  406. Carol Walker says:

    Hello and hope all are doing well.Just wondering if Jimmy will
    be in Clifford Va in Dec .We really enjoy his shows.Hope to see you there.Love in Christ!!

  407. Judy Billing says:

    I am 78 and have fallen madlyin love with the voice of Jimmy. I live in London, OH and want to see him in this area – Columbus, Springfield or near.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      I hope we are able to get to your area soon. We were just in Celina, OH in April. Maybe we will be there again next year.

  408. Patty Giffen says:

    Dear Nina,
    Will Jimmy be coming anywhere in Minnesota or Wisconsin in the near future? We so want to see him in concert but he is never close enough to us. We would love to attend one or more of his concerts. The closest we have come has been listening over and over to all of his CD’s. We have been fans for so many years of Jimmy’s, ever since he joined The Statlers. Much appreciation for all of his talents. Love to you both, Patty.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Hopefully we will be coming up there in 2016.

      • Patty Giffen says:

        I sure hope so Nina. It has been so long since we have seen Jimmy with The Statlers. We so want to see him on his own. Your husband is remarkable and has the most beautiful voice and is truly the kindest, sweetest man. You are a very lucky woman to have such a wonderful husband with such immense talent. Looking forward to hopefully seeing you next year!

  409. Bill says:

    when will jimmy be in oklahoma

  410. Gail Kizer says:

    Jimmy was in Monticello, Arkansas tonight and I went to see his show. He was absolutely fabulous. He’s always been a favorite of mine and now, I’m really “hooked” on his music. I loved the fact that he seemed to enjoy singing for all of us. He fit right in with our crowd. I thought I would lose my breath when he sang “Elizabeth”. I really enjoyed hearing about how he grew up. I’m glad we still have people like Jimmy spreading the Gospel about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

  411. Tracey says:

    Will Jimmy be anywhere in Virginia besides Radford and The Yellow Barn this year

  412. Ida Taylor says:

    I miss seeing the Statler Brothers on T.V. I love to watch Jimmy smile when he is getting ready to hit one of those high notes. I see where he is coming to Steelville, Mo August 1st. I am in charge of my Senior Adult group at my church and I try to plan trips and I am trying to get a group together so we can come and see him. Hope to see him there I have several tapes from the Statler’s and there gospel music. I went to Colorado last week and took their tapes with me and listen to them on the way home. Ida

  413. Robert C. says:

    I really hope you guys are working on another show in Lovingstonn VA next year. The one this year was great and it was such a nice get away for us to come down and see you all.

  414. Shirley Schepers says:

    We also saw the Country Gold Show in Shipshewana and were so moved by Jimmy’s performance. Could have listened to him all night! Hope to see him perform again.

  415. Mike Mast says:

    Saw Jimmy perform as part of the “Country Gold” show in Shipshewana IN the other night. It was a wonderful show.
    Would love to see Jimmy come back to do a solo show or do a show with Dailey and Vincent in Shipshewana!

  416. Nancy Seymour says:

    My husband and I just saw Jimmy last nite in Shipshewana, IN. I do believe that Jimmy has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. It really touches me. Blessings to you and Jimmy.

  417. Jerry D. Smith says:

    Hey Jimmy and Nina,I was traveling with the brothers and Jimmy for 4 years,up to the final night of the Statler’s final concert.Thats been a while back.I’m glad to see that you guys are still working.I live in Springfield,Mo still,and I see that you guys are in my neck of the woods from time to time.I plan on getting to one of the concerts sometime soon.I just thought I would say hello and I am looking forward to seeing ya’ll.

  418. Bonnie Wells says:

    Great show in Celina, Ohio. Hope he’s coming back next year!

  419. Tracey says:


    Is Jimmy going to be performing in Louisa, VA this year. We enjoyed seeing him last year (you got him to sing You and Your Sweet Love per my request).

    Thank you

  420. Ed Rufo says:

    Jimmy is returning to Lancaster PA on July 26 at AMT Theatre. The website is now showing the date. AMT Theatre has a Member Only sale date of 4/21 and then they will open it to the public on 4/25/15 @ 9:00AM. The website allows you to see the theatre seating to pick your seats.

    • Ed Rufo says:

      Also, if you’re close to the Lancaster/York PA area or will be travelling back through the area, Jimmy will be in York, PA on October 24,2015. Lancaster and York are only 25 miles apart.

  421. Reva Richardson says:

    We are trying to purchase tickets for Jimmy’s show in Branson at the Starlight Theater on May 8th, but the website isn’t giving an option for that date. Are tickets available? We have a party of six. (I am Max’s sister) 🙂 Thank you.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      I looked and it let me select tickets for that day. If you can’t get it to work I would call the theatre at 417-337-9333. Hope to see you there!!

  422. Amy says:

    Just bought tickets for the show in York, PA on 10/24. Can’t wait! Taking my 71 year old mother for her birthday. She loves to hear Jimmy on country Family Reunion. She will be so surprised to hear him in person!

  423. Robert C. says:

    Yet another great show. The show in Nelson County was awesome. So nice to hear Jimmy introduce his family to the crowd. I hope you can schedule these shows every year from now as as the radio host suggested. I know we will be there. Loved meeting some of Jimmy’s teachers before the show. We did not want to take Jimmy’s and Nina’s time up after the show and let that time for close friends and family but we will catch up with you at the Praise Center in York, PA this fall if not before. God Bless the two of you and your extended families.

  424. Mary says:

    Is there any thing scheduled for the Chattanooga, TN area?

  425. Wayne Orr says:

    I was the producer at Jimmy’s show in Pace, Fl on 3-20-2015. One guy told me that Jimmy was so powerful while singing I Believe that he could feel God’s presence around him. He said it was so strong that if had been his time to go that would have okay with him. He said while listening to Jimmy he was so relaxed and filled with contentment. Jimmy stolen the show folks. If you have never seen him in concert, that should move to the top of your list of things to do. Jimmy we love you.

  426. mark andrews says:

    Saw you tonight at the concert in Pace. Awesome performance. Thank you so much. I was totally blessed.

  427. Richard says:

    Is there anything scheduled in the Buffalo New York area?

  428. Ed Rufo says:

    To Jamie Thom in New England (1/26/15)- As Nina mentioned there is a show in October 2015 at the Praise Center in York, PA. This is just 25 miles from Lancaster PA where Jimmy appeared in 2014. There was a large crowd there and we had fans come in from different states including Maine and Massachusetts.

    • Robert C. says:

      The Praise center is a nice venue as there are large round tables in the front near the stage and then behind then there are long tables. A meal is included with the ticket price. Ronda Vincent is on the program too. We have been to see several shows there including Dailey and Vincent and enjoyed them.

  429. Kim Frank says:

    Thanks Nina,
    Take Care.

  430. Kim Frank says:

    Link to Crossville won’t let you buy tickets. Calendar doesn’t show Jimmy being there.

  431. Bonnie says:

    We saw Jimmy perform last week at the Mining Camp Restaurant in Apache Junction, AZ. He mentioned that there was an Alaskan cruise coming up later this year. I do not see it on your webste. How do I get more Information?

  432. […] For more tour info, visit […]

  433. Mike Hansen says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed Jimmy at Mining Camp restaurant yesterday. What a cool intimate venue. Great to be able to meet Jimmy after the show and get a picture. I did forget to mention to him how much I appreciated his Christian witness. Very powerful.
    Thanks so much.


  434. Raymond BB Smith says:

    has the show in Wheeling WV been canceled? looking forward to having you back in Paden City WV on Labor Day

  435. Kim Clark says:

    Enjoyed Jimmy’s show at the Orange Blossom Opry in Weirsdale, FL Saturday afternoon. Hope he comes back soon!

  436. Jeanne says:

    Hi Nina & Jimmy

    My husband and I were at the Orange Blossom Opry in Weirsdale Florida last evening – Jimmy and the talent with him were just wonderful. We wished the show lasted longer. Your voice and wonderful talent is incredible. We loved the gospel songs & the spirituality of the show. Jimmy – when you sang The Wall – & the gospel song – I Believe – to your mom – WOW!!!! Thanks for a great show.

    Jeanne & Bob

  437. Patricia Hartwick says:

    I noticed Jimmy will be in Monticello, AR in June! Is he the only performer at this show and will he be doing any more shows in Arkansas? We saw him in Branson last year and loved his show!!!

  438. Jackie says:

    We saw Jimmy last night at the Palatka Blue Grass Festival – We love hearing you sing – Jimmy! This was our first Blue Grass Fest – we went because of Jimmy. Can’t wait to hear you again — totally awesome voice – and a wonderful personal ministry. Jimmy is so humble and a great witness. Thank you, Jimmy Fortune. May God continue to bless your ministry, your talent, and those dear to you.

  439. Caught your show yesterday, great job and the audio presentation of your guitar work was really special. Where i was sitting, not able to tell if you worked acoustic, or wireless? If acoustic then wow! Thanks for sharing. Charlie, Carol, Virgil & Margaret

  440. Alice says:

    Nina thanks so much. I hope to get tickets soon. The snow is holding me up on that right now. This concert is where my daughter Emmie wanted her daddy and me to take her for her 11th birthday. We are really looking forward to it.

  441. Alice says:

    How can I get tickets for the March 28th show in Lovingston, VA? Also will Jimmy be doing a Christmas show in Amherst again this year? We just loved 2014 Christmas show!

  442. Joyce says:

    Is there a cruise set for 2016?

  443. Perry and Patsy Carlisle says:

    WV State Fair tickets are not available on the site?

  444. Brad Carter says:

    Saw Jimmy with The Statlers many times over the years out here in The Pacific Northwest. Am thrilled to see some Arizona dates listed on the schedule. Would love to get some dates up in Seattle or Portland Oregon area. He is still loved out here in the upper left hand corner of America too. Any plans or dialogue about that happening ever?

  445. Christina Pennington says:

    My husband and I saw Jimmy with Buddy Jewel and Billy Yates at Pucketts In Franklin,Tn last night and let me tell you what an awesome show! He’s such a witness. I’ve admired Jimmy since he was with The Statlers. Always touched me with his amazing voice and last night I saw how humbling and sweet he really is. I’m so honored that I had the chance to see him in person and to be uplifted. I hope he will soon be back again! Thanks for sharing you music and your God given voice with the world. You truly are an amazing person. Any plans to be back in Nashville area this year for a show?

  446. kim ford says:

    Please come back to chattanooga tn used to go to shows here with my dad we loved you guys still have pics of you I took like 20 years ago

  447. Michael Winton says:

    Does Jimmy have any plans to come to Alabama?

    • Nina Fortune says:

      Right now there aren’t any shows on the schedule for Alabama. There are a few in the FL panhandle if that’s not too far.

      • Nicole says:

        I’ve had the absolute pleasure of meeting Jimmy twice now and it was such an honor to my mother and I how sweet and humble he really was. We just loved meeting him and look forward to seeing him again asap! He is just a lovable sweetheart. 🙂

  448. Janet Tillman says:

    When is the next possible visit to SD, ND, or MT?? Lorilynn is already asking? :+) Thank You.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      We don’t have anything on the schedule right now but we probably will by the end of the year.

      • Janet says:

        If Jimmy Fortune coming to the Dakotas in the near future? My niece, Lorilynn Konecny, is forever asking what is Jimmy’s schedule? I’m afraid it’s not too helpful this year. :+[

        • Nina Fortune says:

          We don’t have anything there on the calendar yet. I think Wisconsin is the closest show.

          • Joy says:

            Hi Nina,
            Will Jimmy have any shows in Northern Va, Loudoun or Fairfax County?

          • Nina Fortune says:

            Not yet but hopefully soon.

          • Kerri Ellis says:

            Hi Nina and Jimmy! We were at the show in Bremen GA! My whole life was made that night when Jimmy was kind enough to sing a chorus of “Elizabeth” with me. It was certainly a dream come true. We are planning on attending the show in Florida on March 3rd, 2018. I know as always, it will be wonderful. His spirituality is so obvious in his music and words. That’s something you don’t see or hear much of anymore. Can’t wait to see y’all again. God bless you both!

            Kerri Ellis

          • Nina Fortune says:

            That show is on 3-5-18, not the third. Look forward to seeing you there!!

        • Janet Tillman says:

          We’ll be seeing you in Parker in October. Fantastic!! Lorilynn is lit up like a Christmas tree. God Bless!

  449. Jamie Thom says:

    Any plans for any shows in New England? My mom saw Jimmy down in West Palm Beach today and we would love to have the chance to see him up this way! Thank you! :O)

    • Nina Fortune says:

      The only shows we have on the schedule close to you now is PA in the fall. Please thank your mom for coming to the show in FL.

  450. Lori Carver says:

    Finally got to see Jimmy in December when he came to Weatherford,Texas. We really enjoyed the show and can’t wait to see him in person again. I see he is scheduled to come to Abilene March 13th. Can you please tell me if Jimmy is the featured singer or just part of a multi person show. I’m not familiar with the Country Gold show format. We are serious “Jimmy” fans and could listen to him sing for hours . We are really hoping the show is all Jimmy. We will be driving a good distance and no matter who else is featured, we would be disappointed if we only got a few minutes of our favorite. Thanks for any info you provide.
    P.S. Hey Nina….thanks for sharing your man with us!

  451. Cathy Saulnier says:

    The Statlers have always been my all-time favorite to listen to. And I would always wait for Jimmy to take those notes to places no one else can, especially at the end of some of their gospel segments. My husband and I never missed an episode of their shows when they were on television and we have a few of them on DVD now.

    And it was always my dream to get to a concert, but I never found a place close enough to get there. Wonder if Jimmy would ever consider New Brunswick, Canada as a venue or even as close as Bangor, Maine so I could possibly have an opportunity to go.

    • Nina Fortune says:

      I’m sorry to say that he doesn’t get up that way often. It’s probably been a couple of years since he’s played anywhere in Canada. He only plays venues that contact us, we don’t contact them. We would love to come up that way though!! I hope one day it works out!

      • Ella Penney says:

        Would love to see him come to Newfoundland, as well. Been BIG fans for years

      • David says:

        I wish y’all’s would come out to Las Vegas. I missed
        Y’all’s when you played at Central Christian Church
        Several years ago.

      • Robert Chambers says:

        Jimmy Fortune has always been one of my favorite country and gospel music performers. Next month, August 20th, Jimmy will be performing in Minden, NV. I Certainly plan on being there. I am the Pastor of a small Southern Baptist church just 10 miles away in Carson City, the Sate Capitol. i have always dreamed of having Jimmy Fortune sing and play in my church but never thought that possible since we don’t get this caliber performer in our area very often at all. I know it’s probably still just a dream but I am wondering if there is any possibility that that he could sing at the First Baptist Church of Carson City on Sunday A.M. Aug. 21? It would be such a privilege for us to host a concert in our A.M. Worship service August 21st. Thanks so much for listening,
        Pastor Bob Chambers

        • Nina Fortune says:

          Pastor Bob – Jimmy has to leave early that morning to catch his flight. He is flying out of an airport in CA.

      • Pam Shapiro says:

        Nina – I am considering purchasing tickets for Jimmy’s New Year’s Eve show in Shipshewana. Is Jimmy the only performer, or is he with others? If others….who and how long does he play?

        • Nina Fortune says:

          There are two others on the show, John Schmid and John Branyan. Both do a 50 minute show. I think Jimmy will be doing his full show at 75 or 90 minutes.

      • Marlene says:

        Love you guys so much its was great seeing you a watching him sing with the others do you have that trip pictures of you all when you were leaving in front of the hotel we were all leaving together hope to see you again made my day

      • I’m not sure how to go about contacting you to discuss booking. We are looking at April 20 for 6th Annual Legacy of Love Festival and May 4 @ Shepherd Hill Opry.
        (205) 233-3794

    • Jacquelyn Meyer says:

      Nina, I have a question. What concerts will Jimmy be singing with Daily and Vincent? And, not just one or two songs – but, the whole concert. I am wondering if Jimmy is joining the Sept. 8th at Blue Gate Theatre in Indiana? It says it is a Country/Statler Tribute and it wouldn’t be great if Jimmny isn’t there? If he will be there – we want to get tickets ASAP. I will look for your reply.
      Thank you.

      • Nina Fortune says:

        Jimmy will not be at that show. We are talking about doing two in 2018, Dublin VA and Greeneville TN.

        • Jacquelyn Meyer says:

          Thank you. I hope so – love to hear them together. We’re in Iowa – but, have gone to Jimmy’s concerts as far away as Florida. I just noticed he will be in Iowa in June as part of Gold Show. So we will see him in June!

        • Robert Coleman says:

          That would be great, we loved coming down to the one in Dublin a couple years ago and have hoped it would happen again. Please keep us all informed. Thank you

        • Rosanne Penley says:

          Any idea when a decision will be made on these two shows? Dublin and Greeneville?

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